Chapter 11: Ready the Practice Round

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Lars's POV:

I can't believe I'm actually doing this... I mused as the first rescue team advanced up into the hellhouse we'd just practiced multiple times for. It brought back memories from the past 3 days of practice that we'd been doing...

3 days earlier...

Once Robin had descended from the stage and behind the curtains, she quickly ran round the back and came to me, beckoning for me to follow her. And that I did.

I was led through a small hidden passage, which was very quiet, compared to the streets - well, not really streets, more like indoor roads, but anyway, this part reminded me of some ventilation shaft - metal floors, metal walls, no steps, and the like. I honestly felt like an Impostor.

After a short walk of maybe about 5 minutes, we came across a glossy black wooden door. Robin turned the knob and opened it, revealing a huge tech room with thousands of desks arranged tidily in rows. On these desks were some papers, a headset and mic, a printer, a mug full of steaming hot camomile tea and a fancy-looking holographic computer, rather like the ones back at the Academy.

The feline cat patted on the desk closest to the door and said "This one's yours. Obviously not permanently, but for the mission and practices. You'll be voicing in for both rescue teams, and you'll be called once one of the teams has found their target. The purpose is to tell them how to communicate with them in a way that Xuli and Kyan can trust the squads and accept rescue."

"I'm assuming I'll be talking through an earpiece or something?" I asked curiously.

"Yes," she replied. "Mini cameras will also be worn by the team members so you can see what's happening and where they are."

I nodded firmly.

"The practice mission should be starting soon, so I'd better show you how everything works." she continued, pressing a button on the PC. The computer instantly snapped to life, displaying a short welcome message before some strange scanning device lurched out from behind the monitor. It looked like one of those handheld barcode-scanning devices you get in supermarkets.

It stopped right in front of me for a moment. I stood there awkwardly, puzzled at what was happening. Then the device quickly retracted and disappeared behind the computer, and a new message popped up saying "Welcome, Lars Oxford".

"Uhh..." I muttered, " does it know my name?"

"I entered a couple of bits about you into this giant database I have of everyone who's ever been here," the feline answered. "And even though your friends haven't visited yet, I have them too. Sorry if that sounds a bit creepy... but I have to monitor things round here carefully. Such a big place without surveillance could result in mass crime rate."

I nodded in comprehension before staring back at the holographic screen, which had now opened up the homepage. Robin pulled the chair out and beckoned for me to sit down. I muttered a quick "Thanks," before plonking down onto the seat and pulling myself in toward the desk.

Robin picked up the headset with the mic and said "You'll need this to communicate with the teams. You will take charge of lookout for Rescue Squad 1 along with another few nerds, and will alternate between teams when both of your friends have been found."

I nodded comprehensively, slowly turning the cogs in my head to try and get it all in (A/N: le bad pun-).

"Now," she began, "a popup should appear when the computer is connected to a minicam on one of Squad 1's members." Just at that moment, a small ping sound was emitted by the computer and the aforementioned popup message appeared. It said "Connected to: Rescue Squad 1 (Bullseye Pride)" as the home screen disappeared, revealing a live recording of what appeared to be some simulator room - but from very low down.

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