Chapter 1: Bah, Faker.

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Gail's POV:

I opened my eyes drowsily and yawned, stretching my limbs as much as I could to try and wake myself up. After my eyes got accustomed to the dark, I got up from my comfy pile of pillows and turned to face the door.

My legs wobbled under me slightly since I'd just woken up, but I needed the exercise. Otherwise, I'd be too distracted by "family" life to do it.

I took a quick look back at the other bed in the room, to see Xuli still sleeping soundly. I smiled gently at her before quietly opening our bedroom door and silently slipping out, closing it behind me with the greatest care.

I trotted down the long stairs and out into the open sky. The sun wasn't out yet (it never really is at 5 in the morning), and animals were scurrying around as far as the eye could see.

I started my usual morning walk of the island, my eyes sucking in every little detail of the wildlife. Despite the fact that I only moved in to the Academy a week ago, I already liked this new life. I'd quickly attached myself to the Go Jetters and the cadets (and the vehicles), and now I felt like I'd been part of the team the whole time.

But after about half an hour, as the sun came up, the thought occurred to me that none of the animals were acting naturally. They all seemed to have scared expressions and were all talking about some coming danger.

I trekked up the long way round the cliffside to watch the sun rise in order to take my mind off of the abnormal activity that was surrounding me. Nevertheless, I heard a bird calling my name.

"Gail! Over here! I have to tell you something RIGHT NOW!!!"

So much for a quiet morning walk, I mused as a song thrush landed in front of me. I crouched down and asked it "Why is everyone acting so strangely? Did someone make up a scary ghost story, and now everyone believes it?"

To that, the bird chirped nervously "No." and told me a story about the Swift Slayer from the legend of old coming to get someone who seemed to be referred to as the Blue Kangaroo.

"Pfft," was my answer, "that's just ridiculous. Why would the Swift Slayer come here? We've done nothing against that demon."

"A firebird by the name of Wulfstan who is local to the mighty enemy told the ghost crabs about the plan."

"OK," I finally groaned "I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything."

With that, the little thrush took off and glided to wherever it was going.

"Hey Gail? Time to set up the equipment for the day." Ubercorn's voice suddenly said through my earpiece.

"I'll be down in a minute, Ubercorn." I answered, before slowly making my way down the big cliff towards the G.O. Dome. The Academy mentor and the Go Jetters were standing by the G.O. Giant statue, waiting patiently for me.

Yup, that's one of the perks of getting up before the others. Having to set up. But I still enjoyed fiddling with all the cool Click-Ons (and I was actually getting quite good at the G.O. Board too!), despite the fact that I don't use them for any practical advantage.

Poor Foz still looked half-asleep, and I couldn't help sniggering at the sight of his adorable, droopy face. He seemed to snap awake for a moment, glaring daggers at me, before resuming his tired expression as he opened a big cupboard with the Click-Ons inside.

It took us a while to finish setting up for the day, but we finished it in the end. "You guys go get some breakfast while I wake up the cadets." Ubercorn ordered kindly. We all nodded, and Kyan mockingly gave him a lazy salute. We all started laughing and talking our hearts out together as we made way to the canteen.

After we'd taken our breakfast from the cooks and were sitting at a table together, Ubercorn's voice rang through the speakers of the Academy.

"Wake up, cadets! It's time for a fresh start on this beautiful new day! Please quickly get changed and report to the canteen for breakfast before morning training." the unicorn announced.

"Well, would you look at that." Kyan remarked "Foz has finally woken up."

"Don't blame him, Kyan," Lars replied "he had a bit of a bad night."

"Speaking of which," Xuli interjected "I've been thinking about something that happened on that day."

I raised my brow in confusion. "What day?"

A sorrowful look in her eyes told me everything. The tsunami.

"Hey Xuli, are you OK?" Foz asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just-" she sighed, before continuing "there seemed to be something happening that wasn't exactly- natural. As if something was targeting me."

..."Pfft, that's just ridiculous. Why would the Swift Slayer come here? We've done nothing against that demon."...

Evil magic? I thought to myself. No, that's impossible. The Swift Slayer would never purposedly target Xuli. But maybe if we did do something...

"...Gail? Earth to Gail, can you hear me?" Someone waved their hand in front of my face, which snapped me back to the present. I took a look around, to see that the cadets were starting to file in one by one, queuing up for breakfast.

I then looked at the table. Everyone had finished but me. I blushed in embarrassment before shoving my breakfast down my throat, almost getting the hiccups.

"Sorry, I was just, uh... thinking. You know? Heheh..." I muttered to the Jetters.

"Right." Foz said.

Lars (thankfully) broke the awkward atmosphere by exclaiming "Race you to the Training Dome!" and dashing off, hoping to be first.

"Not if I catch you first!" Kyan barked before chasing after him, hot on his tail. The other two left the table as well, leaving just me standing outside, staring off into the distance, my gaze secretly winning the race.

I sighed and plodded off towards JetPad, where I knew Ubercorn's worst nightmare awaited. I'd promised I'd help him, and boy, was there a lot of it.


I was quite used to it, having worked in an office before joining, and it was actually quite hilarious watching the mentor trying his best to keep his eyes on the paper and not on his vast collection of disco and hip-hop CDs.

Nonetheless, I was still concerned about what Xuli said. What the bird said. What all the animals were so scared about. This time, it was me who couldn't concentrate on the work, despite having done it for 9 years already.

"Gail, are you OK? You seem a bit off this morning." Ubercorn's voice bit into my brain and drove away my train of thoughts.

"I'm fine." I groaned nervously, "But the animals were talking about the Swift Slayer coming. And even though I think they're just making things up, something we were talking about at breakfast seems somehow linked to it."

"I'm sure it's nothing. Trust me, it'll just pass and everyone will forget about it. Anyway, I have a secret to tell you."

I was puzzled. Ubercorn keeping secrets? Apart from the pens, obviously.

He whispered to me "I'm opening a new sector. Ocean."

My eyes opened wide with surprise. I'd been reading up on Academy history, and there hadn't been any new sectors apart from ecology! But I relaxed when I realized what he meant it for.

For the tsunami accident to never end so badly again.

#Oh Chapter 1, oh Chapter 1,

#How puzzling are your statements!

I know, not Christmas, (it's July, man!) but I felt like doing it. I also have an interesting title for the chapter when the first interesting thing in the fic happens... and I'm not sure what number that'll be. Either 2 or 3.

Anywho, hope you liked, and feel free to vote/comment/anything you want!

Cheerio, my fellow Wattpaders!

-December Avalanche "Winter" Winterwolf ♥

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