Chapter 2: Unprepared

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No one's POV:

Later in the day, all the cadets were having a break after their second round of training. Gail was still fairly worried about the discussion at breakfast, but she'd managed to push it down for the moment.

She'd gone out to stretch her legs a bit, taking a second walk of the island to try and clear her mind. As she plodded down the beach, she saw two shapes in the distance, sitting down next to each other. She crept closer and squinted her eyes, trying to figure out who they were.

It was just Foz and Tala, having a little discussion. Probably to try and figure out what plants can be fed in extreme circumstances. Not wanting to disturb them in their little debate, the grey-and-white canine decided to go over to the corn field and have a try at feeding the chickens.

The hens were clucking with fear as they saw Gail approach them, but after their gazes drifted to the corn she was offering them, they calmed down a bit and chowed down on their meal.

After she had made sure that they were so full they couldn't move, Gail slipped gracefully out of the coop and clicked the gate shut.

Then, her ears picked up some angry noises. She sneaked through the corn field, following the sounds without being discovered until she came to the path. Hiding among the corn, she saw Kyan and a mechanic cadet about his age having an argument over something.

"Pfft, you liar. I've seen you two do some ship trash together, obviously thinking that no one knew."


"It's also hinted in the way you act around each other in public. I mean, come on. It's obvious that- oh would you look at that, Romeo's blushing."

"S-Stop... please..."

"Make me."

That was it. Gail leapt out from the green and landed in between the bickering pair, ordering "That is enough. Auden, come. We have some discussing to do." before snarling at the cadet and forcefully dragging him away from the gymnast.

Kyan's POV:

Thank goodness Gail came around when she did. Otherwise, Xuli and I would have been exposed, and we weren't ready yet. And trust me, news always spreads like wildfire here.

I know what you're thinking. You've been in a relationship with her for 4 months, Kyan. F O U R M O N T H S. Surely you're ready by now! Well, that entire four months was in a hospital, and I'd only managed to take her out once.

Anyway, back to what was happening.

It was actually hilarious to watch a creature about half his size just drag him away, not giving a care for anything. I struggled to contain my laughter as Gail and Auden disappeared into the corn, making it seem as if nothing had happened at all.

Since I was doing absolutely nothing, I decided to go jogging for an undetermined amount of time, maybe until the next training round starts.

So that I did.

The ocean seemed to be glowing as the sun's rays reflected off of it, firing them at the trees nearby. The birds seemed happy enough, too. They were swooping around, chirping louder than ever. It was kind of strange actually, considering they didn't normally behave like this, but I don't speak bird, so I just shrugged it off, continuing on with my day.

But my run was interrupted.


Because I saw Xuli.

And she was alone.

I ran up to her and scooping her up bridal style, started spinning around with her in my arms, squealing for joy. I eventually put her down and she, still laughing, said "Someone's excited this morning!" before wildly ruffling my hair.

[DISCONTINUED] Consumed By The Fire | A Go Jetters Crossover FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz