with these shoes :

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with these shoes :

I had gone for a mani and a pedi last week so I didn't have to paint my nails either

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I had gone for a mani and a pedi last week so I didn't have to paint my nails either. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. 

"Morning mija, you look so pretty !" My mom said, still in her pjs but she still looked beautiful.

"Morning mama" I replied smiling, " Thank you ! I'm feeling good plus I woke up earlier than I normally do so I had time to put some effort into my outfit." 

We both laughed and chatted for a bit until I had to leave for school.

"Bye mija, have a good day, see you after school" My mom said as she kissed my cheek and handed me some lunch money.

"Byeee" I replied as I headed out the door.

I got into my car and started driving to school. I played my bad bitch music and got into an even better mood than I was in before I left the house. I finally got to school and started walking to the group who was sitting outside for once since it was almost summer.

                                                                                 *    *    *    *

*Mattia's POV*

We were all sitting outside and talking about our spring break. Everyone seemed to have similar story to tell about their breaks since almost everyday they hung out. I hadn't been there of course since I started dating Jenna. I had missed the group and Izzy a lot over the break but Jenna had wanted to always hang out and do couple shit which annoyed me because I didn't feel apart of the group anymore. Jenna was sitting next to me and was holding my hand tightly but I really didn't feel like speaking to her since we were always fighting and it just got out of hand majority of the time. We saw Izzy's car pull up and she got out. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for some reason. Her hair was curled and bounced every time she took a step. Her highlighter shone which extenuated her cheekbones and her glossed lips made her lips look even more inviting than it normally did. When she saw us she gave a broad smile, that gorgeous smile while everyone was staring at her walk toward us. When I say everyone I don't just mean the group I mean EVERYONE at school. All the girls looked a bit jealous at her beauty but I knew they all admired her because Izzy was kind, smart and BY FAR the prettiest girl ever. When she eventually got to us, everyone greeted and complimented her, especially the girls since the boy and I were speechless. I could sense Jenna was eyeing me so I immediately stopped staring and looked down at my phone. 

mattia and i.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora