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The world is full with people whose dreams remained untouched, unawake and forgotten.

Dreams left only to dream on its own accord, dreams left hanging in the air, dusty and surrounded with cobwebs proving that its dormant owner never came back but stares at it with great desire but hopeful eyes saying I cannot do anything but to stare with great disappointment.

Are untouched dreams a product of damned situation or damned decisions?

Do we let destiny take over or do we lead the destiny to us?

The world is full of possibilities, of chances we didn't take because we let our situation control us.

Unawake dreams are the dreams good to dream with.

These kind of dreams stays in the drowsy hopeful dreamer, forever etched in every pulse, in every breath hoping that one day the dormant dream will rose from its deep slumber.

Taken with courage and unwavering faith, always a foot forward never backing down no matter the situation may be.

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