Chapter 1

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Winston. Alby. Gally. Chuck. Chuck. They're all dead. Because of me. And I'm the only one to blame. It's all my fault. If only I wasn't so stubborn. If only I had waited and put some thought into my actions before going in blindly. If only. If.

" !" a voice suddenly broke my dark thoughts. And before I even had time to turn around, two thin but surprisingly strong arms wrapped themselves around my neck from behind. I didn't need to turn around to know instantly who that was. He was the only one allowed to touch me. I mean, once you've been continuously near death because of cranks grabbing you everywhere and clinging at your clothes you kind of stop liking skin contact.

"Now, now Tommy. Care to explain why you're out here and not in bed with me?" a British accent belonging to my lovely boyfriend Newt asked teasingly, trying to cheer me up. That was what I loved about Newt, I didn't need to tell him something was wrong he already knew. He reads me like an open book.

" Sorry" I chuckled. "Let's go back inside." I was about to stand up from the huge rock we were sitting on but he kept his arms around my neck preventing me from moving.

"You are not going anywhere. Tell me what's bothering you." he asked with slight authority which was really hot not gonna lie but now was not the time. I sighed in defeat, knowing perfectly I was going to have to tell him my thoughts which I knew he wasn't going to be pleased with.

" I was thinking about them..." I said quietly. His arms tightened around me before I felt small kisses being placed along my neck.

"Tommy...I tell you this every time and I'm gonna say it once more. This is not your fault. Alright? You are the reason we're free Thomas. Without you we'll still be in the maze, working our arses off for shucking nothing. You gave us our freedom back. Don't you understand how incredible this is? " newt said softly in my ear, I shivered but tried to ignore it.

"I led them to their death, Newt. If they hadn't followed me and my dumb ideas, maybe we'd still be in the maze but they'd at least still be alive." Tears made their way down my cheeks before I had time to stop them.

I felt Newt remove his arms from me and I thought he was mad at me for saying all this but he made his way on my lap, straddling me before wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"Listen to me. It's you're dumb ideas that gave people hope. You gave hope back to people who lost faith in escaping this bloody maze long before you arrived. You gave me hope, Tommy. And that's what made me fall for you." he said kissing my forehead "You were just a scared little greenie who couldn't remember his own name." he chuckled "But look at what you accomplished! Just look at where we are standing. You made this possible. You know, from the moment I saw you, I knew I would follow you anywhere. And I have. And I will always follow you anywhere Thomas." he said staring intensely in my eyes with his very own beautiful eyes that I can easily get lost into.

"And I know that if our friends were still there they would agree one hundred percent with me right now. And accept it or not, after Alby died, you became our leader. And therefore I became your second-in-command. Why do you think we follow you Tommy? Why do you think they listen to you? Why do you think they died for you? For all of us? It's because they saw what I saw the moment you ran into that maze to help Minho and Alby. Even though that was shucking stupid, from that moment we saw the warrior in you, we saw potential, we saw a leader. And you continued to prove us right. You will forever be our leader. You will always be our hero. My hero."he said, tears streaming down his face as well as mine. The love that was pouring out of him at that moment made me realize how much I loved him. How much I needed him.

"I love you so much. Thank you" I said before kissing him like I never did before. There was so much emotion in that kiss, it was something I never experienced before. And a feeling I'll never be tired of. He is my everything. His my anchor. My safety pin. I don't know what I'll do if I loose him.

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