"Yes!" The ghost, apparently named Tine, confirmed cheerfully while pumping his fists into the air excitedly. "Finally! It's been so boring to just drift around here with all the dust and mothballs." Then Tine floated quite hypnotically to the head of the bed, making Sarawat feel a little seasick as he cautiously tracked the movement with his bleary eyes. The ghost leaned slightly over Sarawat from the side of the bed. "Say it again," he whispered reverently, eyes shining, pale hands folded neatly under his chin.

"Ugh," Sarawat uttered eloquently and blinked fuzzily into the gloom, past Tine's flimsy image. His thick brows furrowed as he struggled to think, mind all cottony. Since the ghost was actually more annoying than scary, Sarawat's body was slowly but surely going off into power mode, mind exhausted by all distress he had to tolerate recently. It was not just the ghost that made him feel drained, it was everything; his pushy mother, his distant girlfriend and his not so bright and very unsure future.

Sarawat reached out and pulled a fluffy pillow over his head, trying to get away from the noisy guy invading his space. He was still not fully sure that this was actually happening for real. It had to be a dream, or a nightmare maybe?


Oh, shit. The ghost had learned Sarawat's name.

"Shut up, you're annoying," Sarawat mumbled without any venom while slowly but steadily drifting off to sleep, his grip on the pillow slacking. For some unfathomable reason he felt secure right there where he was, even with the supernatural knocking at his door. Or maybe it was just his unstable psyche that was trying to tell him something by broadcasting this quirky hallucination. But then again, was it really possible to imagine something so vivid?

Tine huffed above the sleeping man, his brows angled in an upset frown at being ignored so blatantly, hands at his narrow hips. What a strange guy! Nonetheless he carefully reached out a pale, slightly shaky hand and gently nudged the pillow off of Sarawat's face so that he would not suffocate in his sleep.

Oh, wow! It seemed that he had enough power to move light objects without instantly disintegrating and losing his form. Score!

Tine stared down at his own pale limbs curiously, turning them this and that way in the gloomy light of the room, clenching and unclenching his long fingers, scrutinizing the white half moons on his pinkish nails. Is this how his soul looked like without all the blood spilled and bones crushed?

Is this how his real body had looked like?


"So, I've been thinking," Tine said as he smoothly floated into the bathroom where Sarawat was brushing his teeth, making the poor guy spit toothpaste all over the mirror in surprise. Sarawat clutched at the faucet, knuckles whitening from the grip and hair flopping over his piercing eyes at the jerky movement.

Shit! How many times would this stupid ghost keep on doing that? Earlier the same morning Tine had materialized right out of nowhere as Sarawat was getting dressed, making him rip a hole in a pair of jeans when his foot slipped and missed the pant's leg, making him stomp a foot straight through a seam instead. And now this, whatever it was.

"What the fuck, dude, you can't do that," Sarawat hissed while turning on the cold water and splashing it into his face to mellow out the shock still swimming in his system.

Tine was like a lovesick puppy, bugging Sarawat since the wee hours of the morning. First tinkling on Sarawat's guitar and then popping out of nowhere at every nook and crane, scaring the shit out of Sarawat each time. At least when Tine was not able to talk and still looked kind of like a zombie, everything was happening slowly and gradually. However, now it felt as if a hurricane had been let loose inside his room, making Sarawat's heart skip a beat each time something happened. And it was just their first couple of days together while stuck in this strange predicament.

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