p a y m e n t s ! r u l es!

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r u l e s

You must have at least 2 chapters of your book completed to apply. Failure to comply results in your submission not being evaluated.

This book wasn't created to bully anyone. I'm giving true, honest book reviews. They may get brutal. Knowing this, do not go into my comments are complain. I've made this known several times now. I will delete your comments. I will not reccomend your book. I'm truly here to help you.
If you know you cannot handle critism, please click the arrow above and exit my book.

That being said, if you take what I say in good stride, I will reccomend your book on my message board and in a chapter. That's only if you're able to push your ego aside and realize that I'm trying to help you in the best way I know how. Well, the most fun way I know how. But I digress...

p a y m e n t

I don't really require much payment since the best payment you can give me is just to become a great writer from my helpful direction. That being said, I am taking out the time to make sure you become a great writer. The payment is easy. Don't stress.

1. Follow me.
*if you're already following me, feel free to skip this step. But I'll be checking to make sure you are before I proceed*


2. Please give this book a quick shoutout on your message board.

That's all I request. Please enjoy!!

Unfiltered Honest Opinions//OPENDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora