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Hyunjin's POV

"When? I think I need to buy a camera" Hyuri said and fixed her hair as we entered the court

I saw Jisung stood up and walked towards me "What the hell is he up to?"

As soon as Jisung reached us, he glared at me. Hyuri smiled at him "Jisung? Hi!" she greeted brightly

Jisung held her hand and dragged her out of the court. Dumbass. Why would he drag her like that?! Is he her boyfriend?! I felt my hand tightened as I looked at the court's gate.

I walked towards my friends without saying anything. I can hear some gossip everywhere about what happened. Damn. I would never let Jisung win her.

"Hyunjin? What just happened?" Changbin asked

"Why is Jisung dragging Hyuri?" Chan

"We still have classes to attend" Changbin 

"This is getting more suspicious" Seungmin whispered and stood up

"Did you and Jisung fought?" Minkyu asked

I stayed quiet and saw Minho and Felix staring at me. I quickly looked away and tried to calm myself. Did Hyuri told them? That means they knew what happened last night. But then, I saw someone coming towards me.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Shuhua called as she got in front of me "Where were you? I was looking for you"

"Stay away from me"

"What? We need to talk" Shuhua

"Talk about? We don't have anything to talk about"

"What the hell? Let's talk" Shuhua

"Why not talk here?"

"Are you crazy? Follow me, in the garden" she said and left the court

I can feel my friends' looking at me. Why am I suddenly nervous? I know they are thinking about something. I want to explain so bad but I can't. I put both of my hands inside my pocket and walked out of the court. Everyone is staring at me like they already knew everything.

I entered the garden and saw Shuhua glaring at me "What?"

"What do you mean by what? You just left me last night and walk Hyuri to her home?! Are you serious?!" Shuhua shouted

"Are you expecting me to stay there and listen to the both of you? Besides, I'm already done with you. Let's not talk again, stop calling me or what. I don't want to be involve with you and Jisung"

"But you are already involved! You are part of this, Hyunjin! You wanted this to happen!" Shuhua

"What? You know I never wanted any of these to happen. Didn't I tell you to stay away from me when you confessed your feelings for me? But what did you do? You kept telling me that you won't stop unless I agree with your proposal. You are in a relationship with Jisung and I would never want to ruin our friendship because of you! I don't like you, Shuhua. Stop all of this nonsense. Stop bothering me"

"Are you seriously going to do this?! Jisung and I will break up anytime soon and we can be together. We can leave everyone here and go somewhere" Shuhua

"What the hell are you thinking, Shuhua? You really think I will go with you? Oh, hell. You know I already like someone. You said after spending the day with you yesterday, you will stop bothering me. You will not talk to me nor look at me. But what are you doing now? You are asking me to live with you?"

"H-Hyunjin, is it because of H-Hyuri? Is it because of her?" Shuhua

"She has nothing to do with my decisions. She knows nothing. Leave me alone, my friends, especially Hyuri"

I was about to leave when she held my hand.

"I am not going to leave you all alone. I will do everything to make you mine. I don't care if you like Hyuri, can't you see? She likes Jisung. You are nothing to her. Did you saw how she wanted to stay with Jisung and not to go home with you? You means nothing to her. She wants Jisung and not you. So, you leave them alone. Let them be happy" Shuhua

"And why can't you see that Jisung likes you? I know he will just hurt Hyuri, he is just using Hyuri to forget you. You go and be happy with your boyfriend. Take him away from Hyuri. I will help Hyuri forget him, leave us alone"

"No, I'm not going to leave you alone" Shuhua said as she held my hand tighter this time "If this means that I'm going down and will be hated by everyone. I will do everything for the guy I love"

"You are ridiculous"

She looked at me "This is what love means to me. I can do everything for love, I can turn my back to them just to be with you"

"Let go of me"

She let go of my hands slowly. I let the garden and I can feel her walking behind me. But then, I saw Jisung and Hyuri walking to our direction while laughing together. Why does it feel hurt? I can't give her up if he will just use her.

As they reached us, Jisung took a glance of me and looked at Hyuri.

"I'll go with you tomorrow" Jisung said

"Really?! Waaaah! Thank you!" Hyuri excitedly screamed

"Hmm, so, I'll go now. I'll see you tomorrow" Jisung said and left Hyuri

Hyuri smiled and suddenly looked at us "Are you two going somewhere? Bye! I'll see you later Hyunjin" she said and left me and Shuhua alone

Shuhua walked and turned around to me "See? She is happy to be with Jisung" she smirked and left

No, she's not. I'll do everything to make her mine. She don't deserve to be with Jisung. He will just hurt her.

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