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Third person's POV

"Why is this picture here?!" Taeyang shouted as he saw his sister entered the house

"W-What did you do?" Hyuri asked

"Are you really asking me? Isn't obvious that I broke this picture frame on purpose?!" Taeyang smirked

Hyuri got pissed and took the picture frame from her brother "What the hell are you doing?! This is the only picture I have! Do you know how much I cherished and treasured this picture through the years I spent at California?! Do you know how much I took care of this?!"

"Hyuri, calm down" Jaeyoon said as he walked towards Hyuri "Taeyang, don't do this. It's your sister's birthday"

"I don't care whose birthday is it today. That won't stop me from getting mad to the person who fucking put that trash here!" Taeyang shouted

Dawon came out of his room and was shocked about the situation. He quickly called Taeyang and Hyuri's Mom.

"Trash? I know you hate Dad but you shouldn't be so disrespectful. He never raised you to be like that!" Hyuri

"You think he is the one who raised me? It's Mom who's there for me all these years. After you and that demon left, that's the day we decided to forget you both! Your Dad is a demon and he deserves to die!" Taeyang shouted, Hyuri got mad and slapped Taeyang so hard

"Don't you dare talk like that to him! Yes, I did let you hate him and disrespect him but you are being too much! No matter what you say, he is our Father. He is one of the reason why we are both alive!" Hyuri shouted

"Right, say what you want. I forgot your father, step-mother and half brothers poisoned your mind. I forgot you are siding with them. I forgot you pushed us away when we tried get you back from them" Taeyang smiled sarcastically

"I never pushed anyone away! I would never do that to you and to Mom!" Hyuri defended

"Really? But you did. Mom worked so hard and earned money so we can go to California to get you back. But when we got there, your step-mother told us that you don't want to see us, because we are useless and trash. Don't you remember?" Taeyang smiled sweetlt but deep inside his heart is burning out of anger

"I-I would never say that. I-I can't say that to you. I never heard that you two came because if I knew. I-I will come with you" Hyuri

"Then, your step-mother lied. Aside from poisoning your mind, lying to you, what did they do? Huh? What?!" Taeyang shouted and kicked the glass table that shattered into pieces "What else did they do?! Did they also told you that Mom cheated and was the reason why they divorced which is not fucking true. Is that the reason why you didn't want to be here?! Huh?!"

"W-What?" Hyuri can't believe and was shocked

"I guess they didn't spoke something related about their divorcement. I thought you are pretty smart but you kept silent instead of asking the reason" Taeyang

"W-What reason? T-Tell me" Hyuri begged

"Taeyang, stop it" Dawon said

"Hyuri, let's go. We need to go" Jaeyoon said and tried to move Hyuri but she's froze and waiting for Taeyang

"Tell me!" Hyuri shouted

"Your Dad, he paid someone to rape Mom!" Taeyang said and his hands turned into a fist

Hyuri was shocked and tears started falling from her eyes "W-What did you just say?! H-He would never do that!"

"Do you think I would lie?" Taeyang asked his sister, the door opened and their Mom entered "Why don't you ask Mom? If you want to know"

"T-Taeyang, s-stop this nonsense" their Mother said

"Nonsense? She deserves to know everything. No wonder why she chose to stay with Dad because she doesn't know anything. No wonder why she always defends Dad to us, because she doesn't know yet. Are you going to keep your silence again? Now you have the chance say it. Tell her, Mom" Taeyang said as tears started falling from his eyes

"T-This is not what I wanted, Taeyang! I never wanted to ruin your Father to your sister. I told you to not say anything about it-" their Mom said while crying

"What is it, Mom? Tell me. I-I'm begging you" Hyuri whispered

Their Mom took a deep breath and calmed herself "Y-Your brother i-is right. I am against his decision of divorcing but he got an idea. He paid someone to rape me, and made it look like I cheated on him which is not true. T-The rapist took a picture and video of us. I-I was drugged that day and I never wanted that to h-happen. T-The divorcement he filed was processed and it was successful. H-He brought you with him without me knowing. I-I am sorry..."

Hyuri's tears continued falling her hands turned into a fist and her heart was shattered to pieces. She wiped her tears and left the house.

"Hyuri!" their Mom called and bursted out crying when the door closed

She got in the car and started driving even though her tears are falling. But she automatically stopped at the playground. Her tears were still faling and she got out of the car. There, she saw Jisung.

Jisung walked towards her and hugged her "Sshhh, I am here. It's okay, you can cry"

Hyuri cried even more after hearing those words from Jisung. She felt safe and comforted.

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