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Third person's POV

After having a long and tiring day encouraging students to join different clubs. The day finally ended and it's time to go home.

"I thought we are going out tonight?" Jisung asked his girlfriend

"I am really busy. Can we just go tomorrow?" Shuhua asked and pouted at Jisung "I promise we will enjoy tomorrow. I swear, so please?"

"What can I do? Just go and take care. Don't stay out so late" Jisung said and hugged Shuhua tightly

Behind the gates, Minho and Felix were watching along with Hyuri who dragged them and forced them to wait there and watch the two.

"What did he say?" Hyuri asked Felix

"How am I supposed to know?" Felix annoyingly asked

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes and took a peak of them

"Are you really going to do your plan?" Minho worriedly asked his cousin

"Yes, why? I don't have much time. I need to make him mine or make him fall for me" Hyuri said and wore her sweater

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" Shuhua smiled and rode a cab

Jisung sighed as he watched his girlfriend's cab drove away. He shook his head and put his hands in his pocket. The ticket he bought will be a waste now.

"Bye!" Hyuri told her cousins

"What? Ya! Yoo Hyuri!" Felix

"Let her" Minho

Hyuri acted normally and walked towards Jisung, acting like she never expected him to be there.

"Jisung? What are you still doing here?" Hyuri asked

"Nothing. I was about to go home, I just waited for my girlfriend to go" Jisung

"Where is she going?" Hyuri asked

"I don't know. It was supposed to be our celebration because it's our anniversary. Looks like she completely forgot" Jisung sighed and was about to throw the tickets when Hyuri took it "W-What are you doing?"

"Wow! This is amazing! Isn't this the car racing event? When did you bought the ticket? And where? I've been wanting to watch it" Hyuri

"Actually that's today. You can have it and watch it whoever you want" Jisung

"I don't have anyone to go with. Can you go with me? I really want to watch this event" Hyuri smiled looking at the ticket

She never liked watching a car racing event.

"But-" Jisung

Hyuri stopped a cab and dragged Jisung inside "Please, drive us to ********"

"Okay" the driver answered and started driving

Hyuri took a glance of Jisung secretly, he is just staring at the window. Hyuri is so happy to finally succeeded to her first move. She knows that someday, she will really really really succeed on making him fall for her.

Jisung is currently thinking of  what he will do. He still feel awkward around Hyuri because of what happened at the rooftop the other day. He was also confused why Hyuri acted like that earlier to his girlfriend.

After a couple of minutes they finally arrived at the place. Jisung paid for the can and they quickly got out. Hyuri dragged Jisung to the popcorn stall.

"Big size, salted popcorn" Hyuri said and paid the popcorn using her own card

"Aren't I supposed to pay?" Jisung asked her

"Why? As far as I know, those who are on dates, the guy will pay. Are we on a date? Ah yes, go on" Hyuri smiled cutely and kept her card

Jisung was so shocked and just paid the popcorn and drinks "Thanks" he smiled at the guy

Jisung carried the drinks while Hyuri carried the popcorn on her right hand and she is holding Jisung's hand and dragging him to find a seat. Hyuri and Jisung sat at the middle seat.

"Woooooooh!!!" Hyuri shouted so loud that made Jisung so embarrassed "Waaaaaaaah!!!! You can do it blue car!"

"Yoo Hyuri" Jisung called

"What is it?" Hyuri inoccently asked and looked at Jisung

"We are at the red car's base" Jisung whispered

"W-What?" Hyuri was so shocked and looked around, everyone are staring at her "Oh my gosh" she whispered out of embarrassment

Jisung laughed secretly.

The race started and everyone started cheering so loud for the two cars while Hyuri is covering her face because she was so embarrassed for what happened.

"It's starting" Jisung said and ate the popcorn nonstop "Yoo Hyuri?"

"This is so embarrassing. I want to go now" Hyuri whispered to Jisung's ear

"We just got here and it's not even getting to the fun part" Jisung said and gave Hyuri the popcorn "It's okay. You are not the only one who cheered for the blue car"

"Really?" Hyuri felt relieved

"Yes, but the problem is, you are the loudest" Jisung laughed

"Dumbass" Hyuri whispered and playfully hit Jisung's arm

Jisung removed the cover from Hyuri's face "Go blue car!!!!! Wooohhhhh!!!!"

"What the hell are you doing?! You are embarrassing me more!" Hyuri shouted

"It's okay. Just cheer whatever car you want. It doesn't matter what team we are right now. The seats are mixed up" Jisung

Hyuri slowly removed the cover from her face and carefully looked around, she saw some wearing blue shirts "You are right"

"See? I told you" Jisung smiled and stood up just like the others "Go blue car!!! Wooohhhhh!!! Go for it! Finish that dumbass!!!"

Hyuri smiled and stood up as well "Yes!!!! Go for it! Drive as fast as you can! We are rooting for you! Yooohoooooooo!!!!"

They both laughed as they saw their crazy cheers for the cars. They kept watching and cheering for the next racers and more.

"Let's take a photo" Hyuri said and took out her phone

"Sure, just don't post it" Jisung said and pose for the camera

"1...2...3..." Hyuri counted and they both strike a wacky pose

Under The Moonlight | Han Jisung |Where stories live. Discover now