Chapter 5 - Apologies and Suspicions

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The couple continued to not talk, but Y/n had slowly started to live with it. She slowly started to become less stress after being reassured that it wasn't her fault. And Sero was right, she wasn't going to let some guy stress her out because they fought when it was his fault that ignored her. She was in a good mood as she hummed to herself, heading to school having a cup of coffee with her. Going on her phone, she liked a few posts that her friends posted and a few artists that she followed posted. She soon got to school as she met up with her friends.

"Someone's in a good mood today" Itsuka said with a smile.

"Who died?" Neito questioned teasingly, making Y/n roll her eyes.

"No one. And I'm just in a good mood, alright? Now lets get to class" she smiled at her two friends as they both chuckled as the three started to walk to class. Y/n was humming, her mood almost seeming to show through her aura.

"Really, who died? I've never seen you in this good of a mood unless you bought a game that you've really wanted" Neito said, suspiciously at his female friend.

"Oh I'm sorry, is it illegal for me to be this happy? I didn't realize" she said sarcastically. Some students that passed by her greeted her which she greeted back to them, smiling.

"You're so weird" he said, resting his elbow on her shoulder. She snickered, smiling.

"That's why you're friends with me" she looked at him which made him look at her before he sighed ruffling her hair.

"I hate to admit it but you have your cute moments" he said making her have a smug look.

"Oh? Is that a compliment?" she questioned teasingly making her flick her forehead.

"Don't get used to it" he said making her snicker.

"Y/n!" someone called out. The three looked over only for Jason to call her out.

"Here comes the whiny bitch" Neito said making Itsuka let out a small 'Pfft!' while Y/n gently punched his arm.

"Knock it off" she said with a smile before taking in a deep breath as her face changed into a more serious one and walked over to him. "What is it?" she questioned.

"I...I wanted to say sorry for ignoring you" he said, scratching the back of his neck as Y/n waited for him to say more. "I was just mad that you didn't hang out with me anymore and decided to be petty and show you how I feel when you tell me that you're busy"

Y/n smiled before going on her tippy toes and kissing his cheek "It's fine, I'm over it now. But just tell me next time" she flicked his forehead making him chuckle.

"Of course" they both kissed each other on the lips before parting ways.

"Gross. You better wash your mouth before I eat or drink anything of yours" Neito said making Y/n roll her eyes.

"I'll make sure to not wash my mouth, now lets get to class" Y/n said, starting to continue walking to class. The two followed her, before Neito got Itsuka's attention as the two started to walk more slowly, Y/n now in front of them.

"He's giving me more bad vibes than usual" the blonde said to the red head. She nodded a bit in response.

"Should we keep an eye on them?" she questioned.

"Just him for now" he said making her nod again. The two quickly caught up with the h/c haired girl without her noticing that they were lagging behind a bit.

When they got to class, it went by quickly as the three friends went their separate ways. And as said, Neito and Itsuka made sure to keep an eye on Jason and report back to one another. But from what they've seen so far, he wasn't doing anything suspicious, this only made the two even more suspicious. They continued to watch him for the next few days, but he still did nothing out of place. Though, this didn't stop them to figure out what he was planning.

It was a new day as Y/n was cleaning up her house. Humming a small tune she heard a doorbell at her door and stopped what she was doing, going over to the door and opened it, only to reveal her boyfriend.

"You didn't dress for me?" he questioned, looking the h/c haired girl up and down who was wearing black drawstring shorts and a (favorite fandom) shirt that was a bit big for her.

The girl rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms, shifting her weight to one leg. "Uh, no. I only dress for myself and no one else" she said before turning around and going off to the kitchen. "Hurry and get your ass in here before I change my mind because of what you said"

"Woah, feisty today aren't we?" he questioned, chuckling a bit as he let himself in, closing the door behind him.

Y/n started to get some snacks, grabbing a bag of chips and putting them into a bowl. "No, just at the moment. It irritates me that guys think girls dress up for them, makes me wonder when they'll grow up and have some common sense and decency for girls" she huffed a bit and went over to the living room and sat down next to her boyfriend.

"Sorry sorry, I've learnt my lesson" Jason smiled as he watched his girlfriend grab the remote from the coffee table.

"Good" was all she said as she started to put a movie in.

"What? Disney movies?" he whined a bit

"Stop being dramatic. I saved you the trouble and made sure it was pirates" she said, rolling her eyes a bit as she became more comfortable, snuggling into the couch and his body a bit. He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her.

The couple started to watch the movie, watching them in order before there had to be a pause for a bathroom break. Y/n was in the bathroom as she was washing her hands and drying them, before exiting the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab some more snacks.

"I also want to talk to you about your friends" Jason said, waiting for his girlfriend on the couch.

"What about them?" she questioned, not thinking much about it.

"I'm not too sure about the blondie" he said

"Who? Neito?"

"Yeah, him"

"Don't worry, I'm not too sure of him either. I think he's a lost cause with trying to make more friends" Y/n said, snickering to herself as she came back with the bowl refilled with chips, setting herself down on the couch, her legs criss cross apple-sauced and the bowl in her lap.

"That's not what I mean" he said, looking at his girlfriend.

She looked at him back, tilting her head a bit. "What do you mean then?" she questioned.

"I'm not sure with how he acts around you. He's a bit too violent don't you think?" he questioned.

"Well, I know that he doesn't mean it. He's just being playful is all, he doesn't mean any actual harm" she said, emphasizing the word 'actual'.

"I know but it makes me worried. And Itsuka was it? I don't know, I just get bad vibes from her." Jason nitpicked.

Y/n let out a small 'Pfft!' looking at her boyfriend with a 'Are you serious?' look. "Look, babe, this isn't Mean Girls. Itsuka is perfectly fine, she's really nice and wouldn't hurt anyone unless necessary"

"Still, I'm just looking out for you" he gently placed a kiss on her forehead, making her smile.

"Alright, I'll talk to Neito then if it makes you feel better, but Itsuka is fine, you're just being over-dramatic with her. Now lets continue the movies" Y/n smiled and unpaused the movie, the two couples continuing to watch until it was time for the other to go.

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