"I've thought about it, you know? I've thought about jumping off the balcony or drowning myself in the tub," You tell Jungkook. "I want to see him again."

"Y/N, Hoseok wanted you to live."

"And I wanted him to stay!" You shout through a sob. "But I guess we both had selfish desires."

Jungkook looks down and you sit at the end of your bed.

"I just miss him, that's all," You speak in a fragile voice. "I miss him so much."

You lean forward and dig your elbows into your knees. You close your eyes and your fingers come up to massage your temples.

"I miss him too." A small voice says.

You open your eyes and look up.

For the first time ever, she allowed you to see her. And there she was, as beautiful as Hoseok always described her.

"I miss my brother too."

Jungkook left you and Clementine alone in your room to talk. He knew the young girl hated adults and hated being seen by them, so her appearance before you was definitely something meaningful.

"My big brother used to talk about you," Clementine mentions, small hands playing with your stuffed animals.

"He did?"

She nods rapidly, "Always."

"What did he used to say?"

"He talked about how beautiful you were to him. How you made him very happy and how he wished he was alive just to marry you and grow old with you."

Your vision becomes blurry because of the tears and you smile.

"He loved you, Y/N. You were the first girl that really stole his heart," Clementine continues to avoid eye contact, eyes stuck on your teddy bear that she played with. "So please don't stop yours from beating."

At her words, the tears fall from your eyes like a waterfall. You lean over and caress her small, chubby cheek.

"I won't, Clem."

Phoenix and Jungkook finish burying the young girl's bones and they go to stand beside you. You take the bouquet of yellow and white daffodils and set it in the thin vase attached next to the headstone.

"Find peace, Clementine," You rest your hand on the headstone. "You deserve it."

Jungkook grabs the bouquet of purple lilacs from the ground and hands them to you once you turn around to take them.

"We'll leave you alone," Phoenix says and you nod.

You watch as the two boys walk further away and you turn back to Hoseok's headstone. You kneel down in front of it.

"Purple lilacs," You set the bouquet into his vase. "They were the flowers you gave me on our first date," You smile, the memories filling your mind. "Do you remember what you told me they mean?"


"Aren't you a good gentleman." You say, motioning to the flowers.

"The best." He shrugs cockily.

You roll your eyes playfully and take the bouquet from him.

"They're really pretty. Thank you."

"Do you know what they mean?" Hoseok questions and you shake your head. "Purple lilacs represent the beginning of a new love."

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