there are thoughts that you should be carefull to tell

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8 - there are thoughts that you should be carefull to tell

Hiccup's POV

'Sorry the number you we're calling is busy at the moment, please call later' the operator said

I dropped myself on my bed and tried calling her again

Same response from the operator....

I put my phone next to me and closed my eyes for a minute

Why the heck would astrid do that? Merida won't answer her phone!

I saw a familiar black cat went into my room and jumped up on my bed to play with my phone

"Toothless... That's not a-"

He accidentally hit a call button it doesn't surprise me at all that its merida... She has 20 missed calls from me right now

Well she won't answer it anyway
I lean back again and closed my eyes when suddenly I heard a voice from my phone

"What now hiccup??!" I quickly sat up straight and looked at toothless who is looking at me innocently with his large green eyes, I raised my phone beside my ear

"I-I have to apologize about last night.... It wasn't true!! It was a prank!"

"And you expect me to believe that?" Her cold voice is emotionless

I knew this conversation would lead to everlasting argument since I'm talking to 'merida dunbroch' and she's... I don't know... A war freak

"I don't but... You should cause-"

"So you can cheat on me over again?"

I face-palmed and thought for something to say

"Merida.... Its just a joke! My friend-"

"So you're being 'friends' with a girl?" Even if this is just a phone call...I knew that she already has her pillow impaled with a katana which her dad gave her on her 10th birthday

"Yes! I mean... No! We are friends but we we're friends since.... Uhh... Since childhood! Its just that... Astrid-"

"Astrid? As in the astrid you we're always talking about? The astrid that was your childhood friend?" Her cold voice turned into a curious one

Does she needed to interrupt every word That I say??

Great.... Just... Great...

"Y-yes!! She is!" Even though astrid is not my old bestfriend anymore... Well what choice do I have??

There was a long silence and..
"If she is really the astrid you we're talking about... I'll forgive you. But.... I want her to speak with me first! Just to prove that you're saying the truth... Got that handsome guy?"

Yeah... She's mad alright... Ha-ha-ha

Wait... What?!! Let her talk to astrid?!! Astrid won't agree with it... If she does agrees maybe she'll plan another prank!

I slammed my head at the wall twice

"What the heck is that sound?? Ughh!! Hiccup!! Are you listening or what?!"

"Yeah... I'll let her speak to you.... Right away..." I regret everything I said

I'm doomed....

------- the next day -------

"....and he was like.. 'Who are you?!' And I was like.. 'You don't know me?! Hah! This will help you remember!' And then I punched his face! He was about to punch back but I gave him a kick on the crotch! And now look at him! He's still on their house"

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