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5 - toothless

Hiccup's POV

"Class is over, you may dismiss" mr. Hebrews said, i put my things on my bag and went out

I should really give up apologizing on astrid, she's too stubborn

Then something hit hard on my head, it almost break my skull

"H-hey! What the heck?!" I shouted massaging the part that hit my head, I spun and it surprised me, it was astrid

"You did it first. I don't accept your apology on anything" she said and quickly ran outside

I looked at the floor and saw a crumpled paper, the thing that she hit me with, i picked it up and uncrumpled it 'I said NO right?'

I sighed and threw away the paper, yeah if that's what she wants, I don't care anymore

My phone rang and it was a random number


There was a hissing sound, and a cat?!

"Pfftt.... Haha!" "Shhh!! Dude!! Stop laughing "I can't held it!!"

Seriously? what the fudge is wrong with them??

"Snotlout, tuffnut stop it, I know it was the both of you..... With a cat..." I know it was them, well they did this alot back then

"Yo! Yo! Yo! We found a black cat on the way!! And it reminds us of you, yah know...." Snotlout said "scrawny...pfft" he whispered the last part

"Yep, whatever. So... How is it making fun of me?? Again....."

"It was awesome!! We missed doing it!! Hey remember when you-" I hanged the phone, didn't want to talk about that day......

I walked by the sidewalk and saw two street children playing with each other, they looked happy like they have nothing to worry about... They just don't care as long as they were with each other...... I smiled at the memory


"Where are we?" Astrid asked with alot of worry in her eyes

"I haven't been here but Im sure we're still here in the same place" I said looking around to find another way

"I think they went here!!" A woman said.... Crap were doomed

"Hiccup!! There!!" Astrid whispered-shout at me pointing to a door

She quickly pulled me and went inside

She shut the door close, I looked around... Wow alot of old unused things...

I saw a weird looking hair brush and picked it up

"Hey astrid! Check this out!" I called, she just looked at me then the brush

"Woah!! Where did you get that?" She looked stunned by the hair brush then rushed to get it

"Doesn't it looked......weird?" I asked her a bit confused

"There is no such thing as weird..... Unless it is a person like you" she said still looking at the hair brush

"Hey! Im not weird!! Im just....different"

"Yeah right.... Your unique...." She said and gave me the hair brush

"You know why? Cause things gets really weird when you're with a unique person..... And wow nothing is going to be as weird as getting chased by our guardians" she chuckled

"Yeah... And by the way.... Do you think they're still there??" I asked looking at the door

She looked at the door and slowly opened it

Story of Us (hiccstrid fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن