"Hey, you're with me" I motioned to Lydia.

I left Henry with Connie. I needed to make sure that his feelings don't get in the way of the bigger picture. If all goes according to plan, they will see each other again. I lead Lydia to a closet where I was going to hide her until this is all over. I also don't want any of Alpha's people seeing her. 

"Go ahead, get in"

"No. I want to help" she said refusing. 

"How you gonna help if you ain't gonna fight. You'll just get in the way. Go. Get in. Dog, anybody that comes through this door he'll take them down. If that happens you run"

"Wait. Thank you" Lydia said before I shut the door. 

I hate to do this to her but I can't trust her. If I knew she would help, I would put her to work. She can't run and hide forever. Everyone has to face their problems eventually. 

We could here them coming in. Since we blocked the walkers from the stair, we will be able to face the walker people one on one. I was ready. I had my cross bow up and prepared to be fired. Beta came in. I started to fire but he grabbed up a table and blocked the shots fired towards him. There were two others with Beta. One was approaching me. I lead them back a bit and swung on them, and cut one. The second one was easier. I crept up on him and cut his throat. Now all I seem was Beta. He stocked towards me, picking me up and slamming me. 

"The girl, where is she"

I didn't answer him. I picked up a piece of wood instead and swung it at him but he swat is away. We both drew our knife and started to go at it, trying to cut each other with every swing. As I tried to get up, his big boot kicked me back down to the floor. I tried to regroup and get up again. He used his big hands to pick me up again and slam me back down. Beta picked me up like it was light work again and positioned me above a blade. He forcefully pushed down on me trying to use the blade to his advantage. 

"Where is she"

Ignoring what he said again, I elbowed Beta to get him off of me and then I slammed him into glass that was near by. He got up like nothing happened, punched me in the face, and pinned me against a wall. Beta threw me to the ground trying to stomp on me. I got up, pulled out my knife, and slammed it into his shoulder. Still not phased by my actions, he threw me into drywall. I crawled into the space that Connie showed me, waiting to make the next move. 

"You and you're people are nothing to me. Your world is already dead. All I want is the girl"

I paid no attention to what he said. When I got the chance, I ran out, running as fast as I could, and knocked him off edge he was standing by. I listened for him to land and after hearing it, I went back to get the others and tell them our battle is finally over. 

Maxcine's P.O.V

After getting escorted to the fair by the highway men, we finally made it. I looked around and seen all of the beautiful stands set up. I am so happy we all came together for this and seen Carol walk up to us as we got out of our buggy. 

"Where's Henry" she asked. 

" He's not here yet" asked Tara. 

"No" Carol said looking worried and upset. 

"What about Daryl"

"We're meeting them here" said Tara. 

"Where exactly are they" asked Carol. 

I just stood there. I really though they would be here by now and  was starting to get a little worried. I hope they didn't run into those freaky people. A whole bunch of things were going through my head and I'm trying so hard not to think negatively about it but it was so hard. 

Daryl's P.O.V

No that we are done, it was time to get the hell out of here. Once the walkers were distracted, we needed to slip out. When I got the signal from Connie, I got everyone's attention. 

"Alright, alright. We need to go"

"You figure out where we're going" asked Henry.

"Alexandria is closest, so we will get you stitched up there" 

"No we can't. If her people find out we're there, everybody" he tried to get out before I cut him off. 

"Hell, we ain't staying. We'll get you back on your feet and then we'll move on. All of us"

"No but.........No but. Where are we going" Henry asked trying to make sense of what I was saying. 

"I heard there's a whole world out there. Come on"

If we're going to keep Lydia around we have to keep moving. I hate the idea of this but it needs to be done. Lydia has no one right now. I wish I had someone to help me through the hard times when I was younger. Once my brother got old enough to leave, he left. I don't blame him for what he did. If I was in his shoes, I would have done the same thing. I just wish he took me with him. I guess all that is all behind me now and there is no point in reliving the past. All I can do is make sure Lydia has the support she needs to get away from her situation. Where are we going, I don't know. What I do know is I will do whatever it takes to keep my family safe, even if that means taking Lydia far away from the communities and giving her a chance at surviving this world. 

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora