Chapter 62

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Seven POV
It was now going on 11:00pm and I was still sitting in the room waiting to use the bathroom. I really needed to go. If I run away they can shoot me, I don't even care anymore. I decided to ask the man that was watching me to go to the bathroom. I'm sure he knew about me being pregrant so I'm sure he would let me go.

"Hey sir, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked
"Um.. I have to check with boss and he's not here. Here pee in this cup, I'll close my eyes while u do it. " The man said
"Fine, can you at least un handcuff one of my hands so I can put the cup under me and pee?" I asked
"Yeah sure" The man said walking over to me

He walked over to me and un cuff one of the handcuffs. I wasn't going to run away or try any funny business. My baby is at risk now and I want to at least be alive to see my baby be in this world.

"Thank you" I said taking the cup
"You welcome, hurry I'm not suppose to be doing this" he said looking around making sure the doors wouldn't bust open
"Thank you, I'm glad you at least understand that I'm pregrant " I said finishing
"Yeah, my wife is pregrant and she be holding her pee and the doctor said it's not good for the baby, I don't like u, but the child doesn't have anything to do with this situation " The man said
"Yeah, okay  I'm ready to be handcuffed again" I said
"Alright, get some rest " The man said putting the handcuffs on me

I'm glad somebody wasn't dumb and actually understood what I meant when I said I'm not allowed to hold my pee while pregnant. I might no let look pregrant but I have a bump right there u just can barley see it. While thinking, I slowly fell asleep and didn't wake back up until the next morning.

Kehlani POV
Sunday Morning 9:00am
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I had set my alarm clock last night because I knew I would sleep all day if I didn't. I woke up naked. Yes me and Trey did have sex last night, but it wasn't just sex it was like this man made love to my body. I was happy I did it with him though. I really trust Trey and I know he's not going to do anything to me. I woke up and pulled the covers over me to sit up in bed. Trey was naked also and was still hugging on to my body. I smiled at him sleeping and kissed his cheek.

"Baby" I said kissing his lips
"Mmm" Trey said
"Get up, it's time to get up" I said
"Baby it's early as fuck, I can tell how it looks outside" Trey said with his eyes closed
"How can you tell when your eyes are closed? " I asked laughing
"I can feel it" Trey said
"Baby, get up" I said trying to get out of the bed
"Ow ow ow " I said moving

I heard Trey chuckle.

"What are you laughing for? I said looking over at him
"Somebody can't get up out of the bed " Trey said sitting up
"Yeah, I can't " I said wondering what the point was of him saying that
"I wonder why" Trey said giving me a smirk
"Boy, help me out of the bed" I said laughing
"Say please daddy" Trey said kissing my lips
"Please Trey" I said serious
"Ight ight ima stop fucking with you" Trey said getting out the bed to help me
"Thank you" I said as he picked me up
"Where you want me to put you" Trey asked
"I don't know, I've never had sex before this is my first time do you should know what to do next" I said
"Ima put you in the tub so u can soak your legs " Trey said sitting me on the toilet
"Okay" I said

Trey ran me some bath water while I waited I just admired Trey. He was handsome even though he had just woke up. He body shape was perfect everything on this boy was huge. LITERALLY.

"Ight bae here you go" Trey said turning the water off
"Get in with me " i said pulling his arm
"I was going to get in with you anyways " he said placing a kiss on my lips
"No give me more" I said pulling his face down
"You really tryna start something u can't finish " Trey said in between kisses
"Maybe.." I said smiling
"Maybe later " Trey said walking away laughing
"LATER?" I said
"Yeah later bae" Trey said
"Why later" I asked
"Because bae we got things to do today and if we have sex again, we gone have to take another bath again" Trey said
"We don't have to do the things we have to do today" I said
"Yes we do. And plus we got to get you back into your shop" Trey said
"I forgot all about working, I haven't checked my emails but I know I have a lot of people asking where I been" I said getting into the tub
"Yeah I know you haven't , you been so focused on worrying about everybody else but yourself " Trey said getting in behind me
"No I haven't been worried about everybody else, I'm just scared to go back into the shop. What if something happens " I said
"Baby nothing gone happen anytime soon" Trey said
"How do you know that? " I asked
"Nothing gone happen unless you get pregrant " Trey said
"If i get pregnant, that's going to slow everything down you, me everything and everybody will be trying to focus on me and the baby" I said
"Honestly I would be trying to take days off from the trap my family comes first" Trey said
"Speaking of family, what are we going to do about my family? " I asked
"Where are your parents?" I asked
"They went back to their own house, I've been texting my mom, they're doing fine and she's working and my dad back on a business trip" I said
"So how we going to get my parents and your parents to get along " Trey asked
"I don't know baby, I really don't know." I said

The worker let seven pee.. y'all think she gone get in trouble for peeing or he did the right thing
Kehlani finally lost her virginity now and Trey talking about babies..
y'all think Kehlani gone be pregrant anytime soon?
Guys this book is coming to an end I'm ending this book with 70 chapters but don't worry book 2 is coming 💕
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