Oasis. Page 2

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"You damn well know what I'm talking about damn nerd, and I know you have them because I know who gave them to you, I wanted you to tell me about them, but you never did." he watched as the blonde got off the futon and grabbed the waving hands. "In fact, when are you going to show ME the scars?" Izuku shrank under the intense gaze of his friend, closing his eyes out of fear he would notice the slight difference in color.

"Open your damn eyes and look at me!" Shaking his head, he tried to back away from his friend, he knew better than to fight when the male in front of him had his hands, he had a better grip, he can't just yank his hands away from him with his hands in the situation they're in.

"Show me the damn scars Izuku." his eyes shot open, Katsuki had only ever called him that on certain occasions, not even in front of their parents.

Though his action was not fixed quick enough as his face was facing directly at his friend. He saw with horror how his friend's eyes took on a curious gaze. "Why is one of your eyes lighter than the other?"

Shutting his eyes, he felt his arms being brought together as one hand took both his wrists above his head as his back was slammed into the bed. "Answer me damn nerd! Before I wipe the makeup from your face myself!" shaking his head, he started kicking at the boy next to him, hoping to push his knees from the bed.

"Stop it!" he felt a knee pressing his own into the bed, forcing his legs straight. When he felt a hand on his face, he shook his head wildly, hoping to stop the boy from rubbing the makeup off. Turning his head, he hid half his face in his pillow, the side with his lighter eye. He heard an angry growl from the boy as he ran a finger down the side of Izuku's face, looking for signs of makeup.

His finger ran over the side of his lip, earning a slight shiver when it ran over the scar that resides there. He made no moves to turn his head as the hand wiped the makeup from around his mouth, too scared he would find the worse one on the hidden side of his face. "It's not so bad, why hide it?"

The scar went from the underside of his nose to his chin, through the left part of his lip. The shallow scar left no abnormalities in his lip, nose, or chin, just an odd difference in skin color. "Now move your head, I know you're hiding one, or else you would have turned your head to hide the other." he felt a hand start to turn his face out of the pillow.

"Don't make me get your mother to get the makeup off while I hold you." he flinched. Turning his head to face his friend, he opened his slightly teary eyes. "I don't want her to see..." he whispered. The crimson eyes seemed to soften, but they still held anger and determination. "Keep your head still so I can whip the makeup off, or do you want to do it?"

Shaking his head, he tried to get out of the boy's grasp. "You already saw the other scar, why do you need to see the other?" the hand holding his wrists tightened, gaining a pained whimper from the boy. "Please let go, Kachan." he whimpered out. He hadn't called the boy that in ages, and hoped with all his being for him to let go.

The growl he heard proved him wrong. "Thanks for calling me that, but I'm not about to let you hide something this big from me anymore. The fact you resorted to calling me 'Kachan' makes my suspicions worse." he wriggled under the boy, trying to escape but to no avail. "I will call your mom to whip off the makeup while i hold your face."

Shaking his head, a few tears escaped his eyes. Though the grip on his hand never wavered. "Hold. Still." The harsh growl startled him, but he refused to stay still, keeping his mouth shut as tears nearly streamed down his face. Trying to regain his composure, he thought of as many ways to get out as he could.

Almost as quick as he had sought out for an idea, it had come. Jerking his hands down, he brought them level with his face and bit the hand holding them. The shock and sudden pain made the boy lose his balance, forcing him to remove his legs from Izuku's knees. Turning over, he tried to pull his hands away and jump off the bed with his knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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