Oasis. Page 1

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__present time__

Izuku was walking home after a swift trip to the store, his long gray sweatpants threatening to train on the ground under his tennis shoes. His emerald eyes shone dully underneath the overhanging green and raven black bangs atop his head. His black sweatshirt hanging loosely off his well toned frame. A plastic bag filled with food ingredients swung from his hand as the other fiddled idly with a leather pouch hung around his neck.

Coming to the door of his house, he knocked before opening the door to the sweet smell of cinnamon. "Mom! I'm home!" kicking off his shoes, he made his way to the kitchen and set the stuff on the counter before giving his mother a soft kiss on the head. "Welcome home Izu! Did Katsuki happen to tell you when they'd be here for dinner?"

Shaking his head, Izuku walked back to the bag and proceeded to put the stuff away. "I'm going to head up to my room and sharpen some of my blades, they've gone blunt. I'll text Kat and tell you what he says." he finished over his shoulder as he made his way up the stairs. "Ok!" was the yelled response he received. Opening his black wooden door, he turned on the lights to show a black and red themed room.

Walking up to his closet door, he opened it and looked to the inside of the door. Hanging there, was a long, black, strap looking thing, about two feet wide and from the top of the door to the floor. There were approximately fifty pouches, each one held either one or two knives of different kinds. There were some pocket knives, some kunai, some butterfly knives, some fixed blade knives, some karambit knives, and a few combat and tanto knives scattered in the mix.

Reaching up to the top, he unlatched it and brought it to lay out on the floor. After laying it out, he returned to his closet and got a stack of three shoeboxes and two, long, bloody dragon themed katana. Placing the boxes and katana next to the layed out knife holder, he picked up his phone and called Katsuki, putting the phone on speaker as he proceeded to open the boxes and lay out their contents.

As the phone rang, he took out three machetes from the first box. The next box was one he did not tell his mother he had, though he had gotten them himself and hidden them from his mom. He got four handheld huns out of the black shoebox, placing them to the left of him, opposite the machetes and katana.

Grabbing the last shoebox, he emptied the contents carefully in front of him. When he heard the phone pickup, he momentarily paused what he was doing to greet the blonde, ruby eyed boy on the other side of the phone. "Hey Deku, we're almost there, we left late due to my mom forgetting the stupid fish."

Giving a small nod, even though he knew the boy was unable to see it, he continued to take out the cleaning, sharpening, and other things he would need out of the last shoebox. "Ok, when you get here, my mom will most likely still be cooking, so just come up to my room, tell my mom i let you come or she might just scream at me to come get you. Also, please tell your mom to text my mom the estimated time of when you'll get here."

The low huff on the other line told him he was heard, and the beeping telling him the phone was hung up told him all he needed to know. He was going to have to beat some sense into the boy when he gets here.

A smirk that could easily be mistaken for pure evil crossed his freckled face before he stood up and removed the thick black sweatshirt. Under the shirt were uncountable scars, a yin & yang necklace, and a black leather pouch with a thin leather strap around his neck. His thin waist and stomach were covered in toned abs, and his arms were lean, but covered in strong muscles.

Reaching into the still open closet, he pulled out a white, button up top and put it on, leaving the top three buttons undone. Going back to his previous sitting place, he reached out for one of the karambit knives. It had a black and red matte metal handle, and the now unsheathed, curved blade looked like a claw. The blade itself was black with aflame design carved into it, and red dye in the crevices. Overall, it was a beautiful knife.

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