Chapter 27

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The war was going with us being the on winning side. I didn't bother to much with the other wolves. My goal was to find Lily and kill Viper. Other could deal with the other rouges.

'Did you find something?' I mind linked Trey.

'I think. There is a blanket that has your mates smell but it's really faint. It's in the room down the west hall.' he said. I didn't bother replying, I took of for the room he explained. I entered the room to find a dead body with a knife to his heart. I shifted.

"Where is the blanket?" I asked Trey.

"Here." he said handing it to me. I took it and smelled it. True it was Lilly's smell but it was faint. By the trey of food and the lack of everything expect a mattress the room looked like exactly a place you would keep a prisoner. That means she was here.

"Did you search everywhere?"

"Yes, Alpha." he said. "There was no sign of Luna expect this room." Damn it. I need to punch something. This was our only lead.

A rouge came in the room. Perfect. My hand flew meeting his face. Taking him by his collar I shook him.

"Where is Viper?" I yelled at him.

"I don't know." he said.

"Wrong answer." I said and punched him again. "I will ask once more if you don't tell me I will skin you alive. So where is Viper?"

"I don't know."

"Okay. Trey give me the knife." he handed me the knife and I started cutting his skin.

"No, no. Wait!" he cried.

"You had the chance now it's to late." I said continuing.

"Please stop. I will tell you everything. Please." he begged. I stopped.

"Tell me!"

"Your mate escaped yesterday and he went after her this morning." This couldn't get worse damn it.

"Which way did he go?" I asked him, but he didn't answer. Okay. I drove the knife in his stomach. He yelled in pain but I didn't care. I twisted the knife and he yelled more.

"He went in East." he choked out.


"That's the way she escaped." I pulled the knife out. He dropped to the floor.

"End him." I said to Trey. He nodded. I dropped the knife and shifted back to my wolf and took off.

I was out of the house when Satan was infront of me. Not now. I growled at her to move out of my way. She growled back and shifted. I shifted too.

"Why the hell are you leaving Lily is inside in there?!" she yelled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"No she is not."

"What do you mean?" she said looking shocked.

"I mean she is not inside there." Satan looked like she couldn't believe what her ears had heard.

"Does that mean that Adalyn played us?" she said looking at Adalyn who now was leaving the building with a four year old boy.

"No she didn't. Lily had escaped yesterday and Viper is after her.He is heading East."

"Damn it. I'll go infrom Dean and Milton. The fight is almost over so only few of us will come with you." I nodded and she took of. I looked once more at Adalyn and the boy. That was why she was worried.

Alpha Heron Where stories live. Discover now