1. Anyone Else But Her

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Disclaimer: I don't know if the girl in Josh's music video is his girlfriend, it just gave me the idea for this story. I'm not basing the girlfriend off anyone real, she's a made up character and I don't want to offend anyone and Josh can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. I'm writing these characters like they are pretend and I'm not causing any harm. This was going to be a one shot but then I had an idea about turning it into a full blown story. I hope you enjoy!

Taking a deep breath, she clicked onto the join button, instantly plastering a semi-fake smile on her face in an attempt to cover her nerves.  

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Olivia, the video's going to start soon, you excited?" Sofia smiled, 

"Yeah, of course." Olivia nodded, then looked over the screens, noticing there was someone missing. "Is Josh coming?" They all shook their heads with small frowns.

"Nope." Julia popped, "He decided not to watch with us, he's watching with some other friends." 

As the opening notes went through the shared screen they all fell into an apprehensive silence. And they remained quiet until Frankie gasped dramatically. 

"Is that... a girl??"

"Oh my god, it is." Julia whispered, 

"I think, I think he has a girlfriend." Joe agreed in disbelief, 

"Olivia did you know?" Matt asked scandalised, he assumed that if any of them knew it would be Olivia.

"No" Olivia choked out, trying to stop the dam of tears from breaking. "I didn't know he'd actually done it." Her voice cracked as she tried to remain calm.

"What do you mean?" Sofia asked calmly, she could see how distressed Olivia was.

"He told me he liked her a couple months ago, and then about five or six weeks ago he asked me about how he should ask her to be his girlfriend but then he never told me how it went. I assumed..." Olivia trailed off. 

"You assumed he hadn't gone and done it" Sofia finished for her, to which Olivia nodded trying to stop herself from crying. 'You're being ridiculous' She told herself. Falsely composing herself she stared down the camera.

"Oblivious prick" Frankie shouted in frustration causing everyone to burst out into giggles. Even Olivia allowed herself to laugh.

"Wait what do you mean?" She asked with a frown after the laughing had calmed down, but her queerie just caused them to start laughing again. Frowning grumpily she waited for them to answer.

"Okay honey" Frankie soothed, "Josh is oblivious because he asked the girl that likes him," He shushed Olivia's protests. "How to ask out another girl and then broadcasted that to the world before having the decency to tell her or any of their friends." 

"I-I don't like Josh" She whispered quietly. "We're just friends" 

"Olivia, respectfully, that's bullshit" Matt smirked, 

"I wouldn't use those words" Sofia chimed in, "But yeah, I agree. There was always something more between you two."

"Honestly, I thought it wouldn't be long before one of you gave in and told the other" Dara shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Dara" Joe hissed, "That's not what you say right now" 

"It's okay, I'm fine you don't have to say anything. There was nothing between me and Josh and there never will be." She blurted, trying to convince herself as much as them. In a fit of anger, she shouted down the screen, "My mum's calling me I've got to go for Lunch. See you later." As she clicked the button to hang up, Julia's voice rung out. 

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