chapter 10

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"YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS" giggled Gine whilst pointing at her twin brother teasingly

Goten looked back furiously at his sister "shut up Gine! Mum said i look handsome"

Gine couldn't help bursting into fits of laughter by this comment, although she knew she wasn't wearing anything better either, her mother had dressed her up in a short pink dress with polka dots all around, something Gine despised. her brothers described her as looking "doll like" in the retched dress

Their mother suddenly burst into their room and began screeching at the 3 siblings to get a move on or else they would be late to the party that was being held at kame house this evening

Gine quickly packed up her things to be able to rush out the door as soon as possible, she was incredibly excited to be able to see all her friends once again after the long time they had been apart

a couple of months had passed by since the whole crew had gotten together, it was Bulmas idea to orchestrate a get together at Kame house this sunny afternoon for everyone to catch up


Gohan winced at the cruel comment thrown by his mother, he had always been used to being his moms favourite before Gine came along

"We'll be out in a sec mom im just getting Gotens bow ready"

A couple minutes of yelling and rushing around passed by before the 4 family members were ready to jump into the capsule corp helicopter Bulma had graciously gifted to Chi-chi

Gine sat eagerly on the side of her seat fidgeting around with a loose piece of rubber on the black seat

Her twin brother looked back at her with shining eyes, she could tell he was extra excited to see Master Roshi and the rest of the Z fighters again

"Who are you most excited to see Gine" chuckled Goten pulling her arm back and forth in a jokey manner

Gine placed her finger tips gentilly on her chin whilst she thought "i guess probably 18 and Marron since there the ones i haven't seen in the longest"

"Well i cant wait to see Krillin and Master Roshi" giggled Goten playefully as he swinged his legs back and forth, rocking the helicopter slightly

It was safe to say the Kame house crew had also loved Goten a little bit stronger due to the fact he was a complete replica of the young Goku they once knew

Most of the time they wouldn't even call him by his real name, instead Goku jr. Was the chosen nickname, this only annoyed Gine from time to time

Gohan sat patiently at the top of the helicopter with his mother, they discussed about seeing the whole gang again after a while and how excited they were to see what everyone's been up to lately

Soon enough the four Son members arrived just in front of Kame house on the warm yellow sand, Gine and Goten were the first ones to jump off and sprint to the the entrance of the beach house, Chi-chi came barging in between them and knocked on the door four times before Master Roshi opend up

"AHAA YOU GUYS MADE IT" the old man grinned as he looked at the mother up and down with a devilish smile

A hard slam was heard from the back of the masters head as he fell to the ground, behind it was Bulma, looking as youthful and sharp as ever with a short hair style along with a tight red dress that brought out her chosen lipstick shade 

"you never change do you old man" she said as she put her sharp heels on the old mans back, keeping him from getting back up again

Bulma looked back up to see Gohan, chi-chi and the twins laughing nervously at Bulmas sudden aggression

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