chapter 6

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It was a quiet summers morning whilst Gine was working on her families crops and farm chores, unlike her brothers Gine loved the tedious outdoor tasks her mother would give to her on a daily basis

"Hey Gine! Dont forget your sleepover at Trunks's today" her mother yelled out from the kitchen window

Gine abruptely turned around to stare at her mother blankly

"But i thought Goten was the one going to Trunk's house today"

"Your brothers got a fever he cant go, you'll go instead" Chi-chi shouted back as she continued to scrub away at the dirty dishes

Gine didnt admit it but a small part of her was estatic with excitment at the fact she would be able to go to the Brief's house alone, she always loved the attention the family would pay to her unlike her own

The young girl also thought it was about time trunks and her spent some alone time together without Goten getting in the way, she loved her twin very much but that didnt mean she didnt find him annoying from time to time

Gine rushed back into her house to get ready for the sleepover at capsule corp, she was thrilled to know she would be able to see Bulmas new mansion in West city

She quickly sprinted into her bedroom she shared with her twin brother, Goten was lying down on the top bunk with a pile of tissues surronding his body

Gine stopped what she was doing after noticing the pain her brother was in, she crept up to the bed and gentilly passed her fingers along Gotens spiky black hair

"Im sorry your so sick Goten, i hope you feel better soon"

Her brother responded with a weak smile as he suddenly dozed off too sleep, before leaving with her packed bags Gine kissed her brothers warm forhead goodbye

The Saiyan girl jogged back into the kitchen while quickly pecking her mother on the cheek and waving goodbye, she procceded to jump onto her late father's nimbus and set out for West city,

She giggled happily at the feeling of the fresh wind rushing across her face, she joyfully looked around to see the hundreds of colourful birds flying beside her

She felt enchanted by the sudden feeling of happiness in the pit of her stomach, time went by quickly as she chuckled along on the flying yellow cloud

Soon enough she had arrived at West city, right infront of the Brief's capsule corp mansion Trunks always loved boasting about

Gine was on her way to walk right through the capsule corp doors before something else caught the attention of her eye

A large capsule ship looking room was placed infront of the house, it beamed a bright red light from inside

Gine walked up to the dark stained window to see her friends father throwing punches and kicks in lightening speed inside

She knew it had been a long time since she had spoken to the prince of all Saiyans, so she confidently welcomed herself inside

"Wow this place is heavy" said Gine as she stepped into the dark red room

Vegeta stopped as he peered angrily back at the young girl

"You shouldnt be in here Gine, Trunks is waiting for you inside"

Gine looked around her surrondings, the room made her body feel incredible tense and heavy, while the atmosphere was undescribable

an idea popped into Gines mind as she saw Vegeta was in a sparring mood

She walked up to the sweaty Saiyan and begged for him to sparr with her for a while

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