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Ship: Hyunlix
Felix's mindset: 1-3 (baby space Felix in this one)

Felix sat on the couch with a sigh. When he sighed, his pacifier fell out, making him giggle. He picked it back up and shoved it in his mouth.

His daddy, Hyunjin, was currently working out in his mini gym that Chan had built him. He was in there during most of the quarantine, but always made time for Felix.

Hyunjin was "trying to get in shape" even though the members would tell him he already was. When he was working out, it was for almost 3-4 hours so the members would take turns watching Felix.

Felix didn't mind though. He was perfectly fine without Hyunjin for that long. But right now, he needed him. He was just extra clingy today.

He pouted slightly and tilted his head in thought. 'Should I go see daddy? I mean, it wouldn't huwt to see him rweal qwuick.'

Felix shrugged and hopped back onto his feet. He skipped over to the mini gym in his socks. He opened the door and saw Hyunjin doing the treadmill. He giggled and ran in, but with the hardwood floor and his socks, he fell. Hard.

Hyunjin flinched when he heard the huge bang on the ground. He took his Headphones out and stopped the treadmill. He turned and saw the wailing little on the ground, holding his ankle.

"Lix? What happened?" Hyunjin asked with his face full of worry.

Felix just sobbed louder as he felt himself slipping deeper from the shock.

Hyunjin ran over to the crying boy and kneeled down beside him. "Baby, you gotta tell me what you hurt." He said in a panic. He has to get an answer before Felix goes into baby space.

But all he got was more wails and cries of distress. He frowned and carefully picked the boy up, not trying to hurt him more then he already was.

"Bubba, are you slipping deeper?" Felix, being almost 1 in his headspace, just nodded slightly, understanding half of his sentence.

Hyunjin sighed and and walked to the couch. Seungmin walked grumpily down the stairs after his precious beauty sleep was rudely interrupted by all of the crying and wails he heard.

"What in the heck is going on in he- oh my god, Felix are you okay?" He asked worriedly. He ran over to the still shocked boy and quickly, but carefully, leveled his foot so it won't swell more then it already was.

"I think he slipped more, I don't know what to do because he can't tell me what happened and if it hurts really bad or not." Hyunjin got teary eyed as he felt all of the stress piling up on him. He knew being a caregiver was hard, but not this hard. Even though he's been Felix's caregiver for a while now, this has never happened before so he was really confused and shocked at the same time.

Seungmin quickly noticed the older boys stress and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hyung, calm down. It doesn't seem like it's badly damaged, maybe just sprained." He said while carefully checking the swelling every now and then.

Hyunjin looked at him and nodded. "I'll go get some ice." He said while getting up to fetch it. Seungmin looked at him and nodded slightly. "Okay, thanks." He said while trying to calm down the still sobbing little.

"Baby, it's okay. You'll be all better soon." He said while exaggerating the 'all', making Felix giggle with a few mindless babbles afterwards.

"Really baby, really?" Seungmin fake gasped, getting Felix all energetic and giddy.

He got into a fit of giggles and accidentally moved his bad foot, wailing loudly afterwards. Seungmin flinched and chuckled lightly.

"Baby, stay still. Your going to hurt yourself more." He said while putting his foot back on the pillow.

At the same time, Hyunjin came back with the ice and put it on Felix's foot, earning a whine from him.

Hyunjin giggled and pulled the boy into a hug. "Your okay baby, it'll feel better soon." He said as the ice started to feel nice on his foot.

*time skip*

The swelling in Felix's foot had gone down a lot. Seungmin put a rap on his ankle and tied it so it was impossible for Felix to pull it off. Hyunjin thanked seungmin and told him to go back to bed cause they had a pretty busy schedule tomorrow. Felix was pretty deep in his headspace, a little younger than 1.

Right now, Felix was sitting on the floor with some blocks. Hyunjin went to make some lunch for him and Felix and left the little on the ground by himself.

Felix was playing with the blocks normally, that was until he started to shove them in his mouth. Hyunjin walked back into the living room and quickly noticed this.

He set down a bowl of fruit onto the table and a bottle he made for Felix and took the blocks out of his mouth. "Ah ah young man, that's dirty." He said and put the blocks back in his bin of toys and went to the freezer to get Felix's rubber teether toy and gave it to him.

Felix didn't complain and shoved the toy in his mouth and chewed on it. Hyunjin chuckled and sat on the couch, turning on the tv.

He ate the bowl of fruit and watched Felix from time to time. Felix was in his own world, chewing on the teether toy and trying to understand what was going on on the tv.

Hyunjin finished the fruit and took the bottle over to Felix. He picked him up and set him on his lap. "Here baby, take this and we can go take a nappy." He said and watched in amazement as Felix innocently drank the milk.

Felix was slowly but surely falling asleep, so when Felix finished the bottle, Hyunjin took him to his room. Since Felix was really young in his headspace, Hyunjin chose to let him sleep in his own room.

He gently set him in his crib and put a pillow under his hurt foot. "Sleep well baby." He whispered.

Felix giggled tiredly and gurgled in response. Hyunjin shushed him gently and pat his back until Felix was deep into his sleep.

When he made sure Felix was asleep, he smiled and pecked his forehead. "Love you baby." He said and left the room.

1084 words

I really have no excuse for why this took like 3 days to write. It's just my family is all over the place and I never had the time to write this so it was so rushed and not that great. I will try harder. 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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