Computer accident

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Ship: chanchanglix (I cant think of a better ship name for them 😂) Chan: Papa, Changbin: Daddy/dada
Felix's mindset: 2-4

The day had been going good so far. No tantrums from Felix, Chan has been getting a lot of things done, and Changbin had gotten some beats for stray kids' new song done.

Everything seemed to be going well until Felix woke up from his nap.

Chan ripped his eyes off his computer screen from the sudden ringing that went off from the timer.

The timer went off after 45 minutes, which is when either him or Changbin had to wake Felix up from his nap.

Chan stretched and then got up from his chair, not forgetting to press the 'save' button to keep his progress.

He walked up the stairs and that's when he started to hear whining and whimpering coming from Felix's room.

Chan walked into his room and saw the said boy laying in his crib, face down.

"Bubby, it's wakey time." Chan sang, watching Felix pop up in surprise.

"Papa!" He exclaimed as his eyes turned into crescents.

Chan smiled widely at him, making his dimples show and Felix giggled and poked them.

Chan picked him up and took him downstairs into the living room.

He set him on the couch and played adventure time on the tv.

Felix quickly paid attention to the show on the tv, his doe eyes getting stuck on it.

Chan chuckled and went into the kitchen, being greeted by a grumpy Changbin.

"Oh, hey binnie." Chan said and chuckled again at the messy mop of hair on his head.

"Hi." He grumpily mumbled, harshly picking up his glass of water and drinking it.

Chan furrowed his eyebrows and frowned.

"What got you in a mood?" He asked, getting a microwaveable Mac and cheese from the pantry.

"This stupid beat I'm trying to make for the new song we're making. It sounds horrible every single time I try to make it better." Changbin groaned and swiped his hair back.

Chan nodded and took the Mac and cheese out of the microwave when it beeped.

"Is lix awake?" Changbin asked while setting the glass in the sink.

"Yeah, he's in the living room." He said and Changbin hummed and walked away into the living room.

"Lixxieeeee!" He yelled while walking into the living room. Felix whined, his show was just getting interesting but muscle pig Changbin blocked his view.

"What?" Felix said, not really paying attention to anything Changbin had to say.

"How was my lixxie baby's nap?" He asked, sitting next to him and then lifting him onto his lap.

Felix whined again and shoved his head in his chest. "It was otay." He said and giggled.

Changbin chuckled just as Chan walked in.

"Here bub, I made you some Mac and cheese." Chan said and handed the Mac and cheese cup over to Felix.

Felix started eating the food like a good boy as he was sitting on changbin's lap with Chan sitting next to him.

After Felix finished his food, changbin stood up and placed Felix back down onto the couch.

"Sorry bubby, me and papa have to work now." He spoke with an apologetic tone and walked away, followed by Chan.

Felix huffed and pouted hard. He didn't want to spend his day alone again! Suddenly, a plan came into mind. What if he goes in their office and plays with them there?

He smiled and skipped into the office. Chan and Changbin looked at him before Chan sighed.

"Baby, what are you doing in here?" He asked.

Felix shrugged and sat on his lap. Chan sighed again before picking him up and setting him back down on the ground.

"Sorry bubba, you cant be in here, were working." He said while quickly getting stuck into his computer again.

Felix huffed and went over to Changbin and climbed onto his lap.

"Dada pwease! Wanna pway wiff chu and papa!" He whined, throwing his arms in the air before gasping at the sound of glass breaking and a big crash.

The whole room went quiet and Felix slowly looked behind him to see what he had done.

He quickly froze. There was changbin's computer, laying on the ground with little pieces of glass surrounding it.

Changbin had all of his work on that computer. He hadn't even saved what he was working on before.

Changbin's face grew red and Felix quickly jumped off his lap before getting pulled by Chan.

"Lee Felix, there is glass on the ground and you broke daddy's computer!" Chan yelled at the boy.

Felix's bottom lip quivered and he felt like he was about to explode into tears.

Changbin looked at his computer and then back at the almost crying Felix.

"Oh so now your gonna cry?! Do you know how much work I had on this computer?! This took me years to work on and it's all gone!" Changbin screamed, making Felix flinch.

"Get him out of here!" He screamed again, feeling both anger and disappointment.

Chan was also disappointed, he nodded and took Felix back into the living room.

He set him in his time out chair and Felix immediately started whining.

"P..papa I no want punishy!" He whined while making grabby hands for Chan.

Chan sighed and turned Felix around so he was facing the wall.

"Well baby, this is what happens when you break daddy's stuff." He said and started to walk away.

"I'll come back in 20 minutes, don't think about leaving." Chan said while not turning around.

When Chan was gone, Felix started to sob.

He couldn't wait until then.

*20 minutes later*

Felix was already wailing after the 20 minutes was over.

During that time, changbin and Chan were busy trying to clean up the mess Felix made.

They had cleaned everything up and they were just waiting for the 20 minutes to be over.

When the timer went off, Changbin told Chan he would go and get him.

"Felix, you can come out of the corner now." He said, slowly picking the boy up and patting his back.

"D..daddy! I sowwy! I..I didn't mean to bweak your computer!" Felix sobbed into his shoulder.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Everything is forgiven." Changbin mumbled and kissed the boys head.

"Now let's go to bed and cuddle with papa, okay?" He said and chuckled when Felix immediately nodded and bounced in his hold.

"Yesh, Yesh! Papaaaaa!" Felix giggled as Changbin started to walk up to their bedroom to cuddle.

1095 words

*sigh* why do the days go by so fast. 😔

Well anyway, thx a lot for 1k reads lol. ❤️❤️

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