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Ship: Felix x Stray kids
Felix's mindset: 2-4

"Okay guys, we're at the airport now, stay close to each other." Stray kids' manager told them. They were just in Australia for a week, and now they were back in Korea for the rest of the time until they had to go somewhere else.

The members nodded and walked in the main area, where there were, what looked like, a thousand stays.

Felix was never a fan of big crowds. He always felt claustrophobic and panicked. It always made him want to slip.

So when he saw almost a thousand people, he couldn't help but whimper.

The other members though, they were fine with it. It never bothered them for some reason, it just made them feel proud of where they are now.

Felix's daddy, Jeongin, had no idea he was feeling that way.

He just thought Felix slipped because he wanted too, not because he was feeling scared and panicked.

The other caregivers had no idea either, they didn't know anything because Felix hadn't told them that he was uncomfortable.

Felix was quickly cut out of his thoughts by the screams of fans.

The members weren't worried about anything. They just thought it was fans and no psycho saesang fans.

Felix was sticking closely to Minho's side, not wanting to drift away from the members and then get attacked.

He flinched when he felt a hand on his waist. He tried to look back but he was already getting dragged by someone.

He screeched, loud enough for the other members and the staff to hear.

He was being yanked back far, but the guards quickly caught up to Felix and whoever was dragging him.

The person would not let go. It turns out, it was a girl saesang who was always obsessed with Felix.

Now that she had met Felix in real life, she thought taking him was a good idea.

Seeing that the girl wasn't letting go, the 7 caregivers quickly rushed over to Felix, grabbing whatever they can to get the girl off of him.

It took a little while, but they got her off of him and security took her away.

Felix's caregivers quickly hugged him and whispered sweet nothings and praises into his ears.

Felix was shaking and sobbing from the shock. He made grabby hands at Jeongin and he quickly picked him up.

All of the stays cooed as jisung put Felix's pacifier in. They all knew that Felix had to be a little, by the way he acts it's just really obvious. (It's just a story, I know he isn't actually a little.)

Felix slowly suckled on the pacifier, getting tired from all of the crying he did.

Jeongin pecked his head and rubbed his back. "I love you baby, your okay now." He whispered gently, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy up.

They all got through the crowd and got into their van.

Jeongin didn't want Felix to sit in a seat by himself since he didn't have his car seat and he just didn't want the boy to get scared.

So he set the sleeping boy on his lap and buckled up. Felix stirred in jeongins lap and moved his head up.

He quickly started wailing, all the memories of what happened a couple minutes ago coming back to him.

Minho, who was sitting next to them, immediately shushed the boy, wiping his tears and rubbing his back comfortingly.

"Hush baby boy, you're okay." He said softly. Felix stared at him and sniffled, making the members coo.

Felix giggled and shoved his head in jeongins chest. His caregivers laughed right when they had arrived at the dorm.

The members got out first and Chan held his hand out for Felix to grab. Felix took his hand and jumped from the van, giggling afterwards.

Felix pouted while he held Chan's hand to the entrance of the dorm.

Hyunjin noticed this and frowned.

"Whats wrong bubba?" He asked and Felix turned to him.

"Hyunjinnie i uncomfortabwle!" He whined.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Why are you uncomfortable baby?" He said and cooed when Felix pulled on his jacket.

"Don't wike big boy clwothes!" He said crossing his arms while pouting hard.

Hyunjin laughed as they entered the dorm, the members immediately relaxing and taking off whatever jackets and stuff they had.

"Okay baby, we'll change you soon." Hyunjin said as seungmin picked him up.

"I got it Hyunjin, come on lixxie, let's get you some comfortable clothes." He said and tickled Felix's sides, making him giggle.

Felix nodded and then yawned.

"Does baby need a nap?" Seungmin chuckled and walked upstairs to Felix and changbin's shared bedroom.

"Uhm, no. Lixxie doesn't want to. He want to pway." Felix said and yawned afterwards.

Seungmin chuckled. "Yeah, okay." He said and opened the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Changbin laying on his bed, playing on his phone.

"Binnie!" Felix squealed loudly.

Changbin looked up from his phone and smiled. He got up and went to Felix.

"Hey bubby, what are you doing?" He asked sweetly.

"Umm, lixxie getting comfortabwle clwothes on." Felix spoke lazily, meaning he was gonna fall asleep any second.

"Oh is he? Does lixxie also need a nap?" Changbin asked and chuckled when Felix nodded.

"Yesh. Lixxie want a nappy." He said and yawned.

"Okay Changbin, can you take Felix and change him and also lay him down for a nap? I gotta go make some lunch." Seungmin said and passed Felix over to Changbin.

"Yeah I got it. Go ahead and do whatever you gotta do." Changbin said and smiled. Seungmin smiled back and left the room, not forgetting to peck Felix's cheek.

"Okay bubs, let's get you changed and get you a nappy." He said while bouncing Felix in his arms.

"Umm, lixxie wear a onesie, binnie?" He asked and tilted his head.

"Yes lixxie can wear a onesie." Changbin said and laid Felix down in his crib.

He got a diaper (or nappy, whatever you wanna call it) and put it on him. He then put a penguin onesie on him and gave him his paci.

He tucked him in with a blanket and handed him his stuffy, Val.

"Night night lixxie. Don't worry, I'll be in here taking a nap with you." Changbin said and pecked Felix's forehead.

Changbin turned the lights off and turned on Felix's little music box.

He went in his bed and all you could hear was the soft music and Felix's slow suckling on his pacifier.

When Changbin was sure Felix was asleep, he fell asleep himself.

The other members walked in quietly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping boys.

They cooed at the sleeping Felix and each pecked his cheek or forehead. They left the room and set a timer for 45 minutes, so they know when Felix's nap time is over.

They just relaxed in the peaceful silence and waited for their baby boy to wake up.

1167 words

Oof this one kinda sucked 😬🤡. I'm srry I just lost motivation and yeah. Srry if I disappointed you guys. 😕💜

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