/6/ Magical caves and exploding fire hydrants

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(The picture is how Arthur the swordfish looks like.)

Welcome to another chapter. So some people got a notification that I had posted a chapter and when they went to read it they didn't find it. Here's what happened, I was working on this chapter and I went to preview it before I wasn't done and my dumb ass clicked on the publish button. I unpublished it, finished it and here it is! Srry for that. 

But enjoy the completed chapter...

Percy POV

Percy didn't know how long she had been underwater but she suddenly started feeling drawn to a cave that she just passed.

She thought how it would be a terrible idea to just randomly go into a cave that seem like it has any type of magic.

So naturally I came to the conclusion to go in.

Arthur, who had been following me, stopped his rant on how sea urchins are better then the sea stars and stoped outside the cave, I looked back at him with an eyebrow raised but continued on.

It took about 20 seconds to get to an opening, surfacing I gasped. I was in a circular cave that seemed to hum with a familiar ancient power.

"What is this place?" I asked no one.

"A cave my lady." I turned to glare at Arthur who had apparently followed her in. He kind of looked out of place, a swordfish in a pool in a cave . 

"Well I know that, but what IS this place." fish aren't always the smartest.

"A pool of water that connects to the sea my Lady." She just sighed, "This pool of water, it seems like there's magic here Arthur, do you know if there is anything supernatural about it."

I was trying my best to be patient but I've been having conversations similar to this the whole time I've been down here. Plus, if anybody knew if rage filled oysters where going to attack then it would probably be the locals.

"Yes, I thought you knew my Lady." Arthur then started swimming in circles. She wanted to slap the fish but decided against it.

"What kind of magic? And stop calling me my lady." 

"Big Lords, this is a sacred place to him my lady." Percy was stunned, she didn't even strangle Arthur for calling her my lady. 

Great, so much for getting away from the gods. 

I guess they all knew they wouldn't get away completely, no they would have to go to Alaska for that. But I guess Mom hoped that the farther away the America's was the farther away the gods would be.

But of course, just her luck there was a sacred place to non other then her dad right where they decided to move to for the year.

She swam out Arthur right behind her. She didn't want her Dad to sense her presence and pay her a visit.

Sure, she and her Dad had an okay relationship but there was still no way I was giving him half of my blue cookie, and I really wasn't in a mood to meet a god this early in the morning.

"The cave is sacred to the moon to, my lady." She froze, she slowly turned to look at Arthur, "What do you mean with the pool belongs to the moon to? Artemis and Poseidon aren't exactly best buds you know."

If fish could shrug she guessed Arthur would have, "They worked together a long time ago to do a thing, mom told me and siblings story but I didn't pay attention much my lady."

"Sadly I can relate." I muttered. "So, Arthur how long have I been down here? And for the gods sake stop calling me my lady!"

"2 hours my lady." I panicked, that means it was around 8:00 and people would start to wake up and she really didn't want to explain where she was.

Getting the "Blessing" of the sea (Fem Percy Jackson/H2O just add water)Where stories live. Discover now