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**Harry's POV**

The tension in the air was too much to handle for me. I stood up, causing everyone to look up at me, and began to walk away. I walked as fast as I could towards the bathroom, not looking back, hoping nobody followed me.

I sat down on the toilet seat with my head in my hands and thought about everything I'd ruined.

How could I be so stupid? Why did I have to ruin the best friendship I'd ever had? I can only imagine how much Louis hates me right now.

Looking at my watch I realized I'd spent way longer in the bathroom than I'd thought so I picked up my bag and headed to my locker to pick up my stuff for 5th period, biology.

The first bell rang as I was walking towards the class. As I walked into the classroom I headed towards Liam and sat down beside him, taking him by surprise.

"Oh hey Harry, I never saw you come in" he laughed. I laughed back despite not being in the mood.

"Where did you go at lunch? You just left without saying anything." he asked sounding slightly hurt.

"Yea sorry Li I probably should have said something, I just... uh... wasn't feeling great so I went outside for some fresh air." It wasn't a complete lie, I did have a headache, he seemed to buy it though.

Just as he opened his mouth to respond the bell rang and the teacher entered and began talking.

Thankfully this lesson flew by and since it was one of our short days, I was excited about going home. The teacher began to hand out the homework and I picked up the sheet placed before me and put it straight into my bag. As I did so, the bell rang and I stood up and left the classroom.

I waved goodbye to Liam as I walked towards the bus. Once I found an empty seat, I sat down, put my music on once again and watched the trees fly by out the window.

The bus stopped, I got off and began to speed-walk towards my street wanting to get home as quickly as possible so I could just lie on my bed.

It was slightly warmer than it had been that morning but I was still too cold, crossing my arms over my body trying to heat myself up.

I didn't realize I had been crying until I wiped the tears from my cheeks. This Louis thing was really getting to me, I had to find a way to make this all better without ruining my friendship further, if that was even possible.

I opened the door and stepped into the warmth of my house. My mum wasn't home from work yet so I didn't need to worry about her asking about my tear-stained cheeks.

I headed up to my room and sat on my bed trying to keep my mind from wandering towards Louis as it always did, so decided to get my homework over and done with.

I moved over to my desk, slumping into the chair and pulled the book from my bag. I only had biology and english to worry about so it wouldn't take me to long.

And it didn't, I was done in around 40 minutes. I placed the books carefully back into my bag and headed to the kitchen to make my dinner.

As I walked into the kitchen, the front door opened and my mum walked in and came through to where I was.

"Hi darling, good day?" she kissed me on the cheek as I nodded. "I'd love to talk more but I'm worn out from work so I'm going to take a nap, hope you don't mind"

"That's fine mum, I get it. Sleep well" I said as she kissed my cheek again and walked out and towards her bedroom.

I continued making my dinner, I was making cheesy pasta because it was the easiest thing I could do. Once it was done, I poured it into two bowls, one for mum when she will wake up, I'm sure she'll be hungry.

I sat down at the kitchen table with my bowl and began eating. I pulled out my phone and started flicking through twitter to pass the time. Apparently there was a football game on tomorrow at school so I texted Niall to ask if he wanted to watch it with me. Normally the four of us (me, niall, liam and louis) would go to watch most of the games, it was always loads of fun although im not sure if we could still do that.

I look down at my phone again to see that niall had replied.

Nialler: sure mate, that sounds good!

Nialler: can I invite Liam and Louis as well?

Me: won't it be awkward though

Nialler: what so your just going to avoid him forever? no offence man, but you gotta move past it don't ya think?

Me: yea maybe, I just don't know how? how am I supposed to be okay with my best friend not wanting to talk to me?

Nialler: I don't know, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think, you've still got me and Li don't you. Don't worry about it.

Me: yea I guess you're right. ok you let them know and we'll meet where we always do after school tomorrow.

Nialler: k thanks mate, see you tomorrow yea?

Me: yep see you tomorrow

I put my empty bowl in the sink and headed upstairs again.

I threw myself onto my bed and began to think about how tomorrow would go. I really need to stop over thinking everything all the time.

What if he really does hate me? What if he sees me and leaves immediately because he can't stand to be around me? what if I never get to even talk to him again?

Endless scenarios played through my head and without realising, I had been lying there for two and a half hours. I went for a quick shower and fell asleep, my clock reading 10:34pm but I was tired and it may be a long day tomorrow.

this one's a bit shorter but oh well... enjoy :)

My Everything • LSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora