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Ever since the football game, Harry and Niall had been very suspicious over Liam's situation, whatever it was, with Zayn. Liam was still with them often, but he was spending a lot more time with Zayn, but would never bring it up around them which was slightly getting on their nerves.

The 3 of them were hanging out at Niall's house after school when he decided he had had enough of just sitting back and observing and having no clue what was going on all of a sudden. "Right Liam, I can't do this anymore. What on earth is going on with you and Zayn? He's popular, we're not. This doesn't make any sense. As of 2 weeks ago, you had never talked to each other, never even make real eye contact. Why, all of a sudden, are you talking all the time and laughing with each other? Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with you guys being friends we're just confused." He glanced over to Harry to make sure he was agreeing with him, Harry nodded along. They both looked back to Liam wanting him to explain himself.

Liam thought for a second how to explain what was going on. "Um.. well i guess.. we started speaking just before that football game, it started when mum invited her work friend over who had a son, who turned out to be Zayn. I was completely shocked and really worried because, as you said, he's popular and I'm not, so I thought it would be really awkward and he'd make fun of me at school. But it turned out he's actually a really nice person and we got on really well. He gave me his number and we've talked loads since then."

"Awww Payno you're blushing" Harry teased and Niall laughed also, "does someone have a little crush?"

Liam became even redder, "what! no! he's just a friend!". He refused to make eye contact with them. Niall and Harry gave each other a glace indicating they were both now thinking the same thing.

"Woah, Liam we were just kidding! It's fine if you do though, we're going to support you no matter what, you know that right?" Niall said. Liam nodded and they dropped the topic for just now and went back to their game of FIFA.

They sat mostly in silence from then apart from the occasional cheer when a goal was scored. It got to 6pm and they decided to order pizza for dinner. When it arrived, they sat on Niall's bedroom floor and devoured it as if they hadn't eaten in days.

"I think I might be bi, or gay, I'm not really sure yet but basically I think I like guys." Liam blurted out.

"That's awesome Payno, I'm proud of you for telling us this, that's really brave of you." Harry comforted, Niall nodded and agreed.

"We support you 100%! Is this maybe to do with Zayn?" Niall asked, not wanting to be too pushy but was interested.

"I don't know." was all Liam replied because really, he didn't know. He didn't think he liked Zayn like that but he wasn't even sure anymore. Even if he were to like him, he knew he could never tell anyone let alone Zayn himself, he was far too shy for that. He knew Niall and Harry would be super supportive of him but he just wouldn't have the guts to do it.

Harry was sure that there was something else going on but he also knew that Liam was a reserved person so if he didn't want to tell them about it, he shouldn't have to so he didn't push it any further. He was already proud of how much Liam had shared with them so ultimately didn't mind.

They finished their pizza and went back to playing FIFA. With it being Friday, they decided to just stay overnight and get to hang out all day the next day anyways. After hours of playing more video games and talking for ages, they decided to go sleep with the clock reading '3:52am'. Within 20 mins Harry and Niall were fast asleep giving Liam the perfect opportunity to text Zayn after being desperate to for the past 5 hours. It suddenly occurred to him that Zayn would probably be asleep by know so he just sent him one little message for him to see when he woke up in the morning.

Liam: hiya Zaynie, i assume you're not awake when I'm sending this but i wanted to text you anyway, I hope I don't wake you up. I hope you're well, maybe we can hang out some time soon? Only if you want to of course. Hope you sleep well. xx

To his surprise, he got a reply almost immediately.

Zayn: don't worry Lima, i was still awake. I would love to hang out with you, tomorrow at 6pm, our secret place? Get some sleep xx

Payno: that sounds amazing, see you tomorrow! goodnight xx

With that, Liam turned his phone off and lay his head down on his pillow with a bright smile on his face and closed his eyes. To his surprise, he heard a little knowing giggle which he knew came from Niall as his laugh was so original. Liam cringed knowing Niall knew what just happened but continued to pretend to be asleep so he wouldn't have to answer any questions just yet.


Liam woke up to the hysterical laughing coming from Niall and Harry. He whined in annoyance therefore earning the attention from the noisy boys.

"Sorry mate" they both said still laughing. Liam couldn't help but join in as their laughs were so infectious. He stood up and headed towards the bathroom just outside Niall's room to wash his face and get dressed. He also fixed the mess that was his hair before returning to the bedroom where they were both still laughing.

"Guys what are you even laughing about??" he asked sitting down on Niall's bed with them.

"Nothing" they both slurred in response trying to muffle their laughs. Liam wasn't buying it and he'd figure it out but he couldn't be bothered right now. It was already 9:30am and he was hungry so they all went downstairs for breakfast. The rest of the day was spent playing video games and laughing so loudly together to the point that his mum and brother had to leave the house, ultimately meaning they had the house all to themselves.

It got to 5pm when Liam realised that he needed to leave in 45 minutes to see Zayn, he couldn't wait. They were all watching their 2nd movie of the day, which happened to be 'the notebook' as Harry had begged for it. He quickly made up an excuse for why he needed to go. He told them that his mum was going out and he needed to look after his younger sister. He was able to get home within the next 5 minutes and for that, he was more than thankful that their houses were so close. He had a quick shower, got changed, brushed his teeth, did his hair and all the other essentials.

He looked at the clock once again and it was already 5:40pm so he quickly ran to get his shoes, pulled them on, grabbed his jacket and left his house. it took just over 15 minutes to walk to their location making him only 3 minutes early. He sat on the stone wall where he waited for zayn to arrive and he was so nervous yet so excited. He and zayn had become pretty close recently but he still got butterflies everytime he saw him. Because they were good friends. Obviously.

As Liam was sitting on the wall, looking into nothing and thinking, he heard the sweetest voice he'd ever heard coming from behind him causing him to whip his head around.

"Hi Liam"

New update!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter !

What do you think will happen with Liam and Zayn? Are they just friends or is Harry's prediction right?

Please comment and vote :)

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