Sleep in

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Steves Energy was still iffy and all of the moving around from that day had him beat. He was trying to continue watching whatever movie Natasha started playing but his eyes couldn't fight staying open anymore.

So, when tony finally made it upstairs to meet him, he was sound asleep and Natasha was making sure he was comfortable before leaving his room.

"He passed out after you left," she whispered as she pulled his blanket up.

"Okay, I just want to hook him up to the monitor before leaving him he," Bruce spoke quietly and tony helped set up the machine. He pulled down his baggy t-shirt to place the stickers on his chest. He moved slightly in his place but didn't wake up, they all quietly left the room and shut off the lights.

Natasha went to finish unpacking her stuff in her room and tony was on his way to his lab with Bruce.

"I have his vitals coming through on this tablet which I'll set up in the lab too, anything happens, we'll know" he said as they walked through the doors to the lab.

"Thanks man," he patted his back and walked over to his desk.

Bruce stood across from him as he ruffled through notes laid out on the desk, "so... you and steve"

Tony smirked, "we met before either of us knew who we were"

Bruce raised his eyebrows, "that's a major coincidence,"

Tony let out a chuckle, "yeah, it is" he tossed a binder onto the desk.

"What happened to him exactly? I know I'm not a part of shield but you are my friend so"

Tony sighed, "he was out on a mission to capture the strys, it went south and he was captured and tortured for a week" he trailed off, "when they got close to finding them, they tried to kill him and dumped him into a ditch, he was found by a civilian"

Bruce shook his head, "jeez, well he's doing better from the looks of it, his casts are probably going to have to stay for another week or two though"

"Yeah," he ran a hand through his hair then brought up some blueprints on the massive screen in the middle of the lab, "let's get to work." He said and they both walked over.

At about 10 Bruce walked out to get some sleep but tony stayed behind for another hour. It felt good to clear his head with some of his tech, but by 11 he was itching to go stay with steve. "J, lock the lab behind me and turn off all screens"

"Yes sir."

He walked out and went to his room. After getting out of the shower and pulling some sweats and a tank top on, he headed straight to steves room.

He knocked quietly before opening to door slowly and quietly, as he peaked around the corner he noticed that steve was still sound asleep. He tip toed into the room and quietly shut the door behind him before climbing under the covers and laying right beside him.

He laid there, watching him breathe and ignoring the healing scar along the side of his face. It felt like that morning again, everything felt okay and that they'd never left. He inched closer to steve and rested his arm on his chest before falling sound asleep.

He woke up around 7 the next morning and steve was still asleep, without thinking he started to climb out of bed but ruffling in the bed behind him halted him. He sat up and turned around to see steves eyes open slightly.

"Stay." He said quietly, "please"

Tony smiled and laid back down right up against him, "I guess I can sleep in," he whispered back, "J, blinds." The blinds rolled down the wall of windows and blocked out the morning sunlight.

He rested his head next to steves and threw his arm back over his chest, "I love you," he whispered.
Steve whispered back, eyes closed again, "I love you too."

Tony smiled and laid a kiss on his cheek before falling back asleep.

Hey StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon