Son of a Bitch

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"Tony, pick up pick up pick up..." Natasha mumbled as she paced the waiting area of their floor.
"This is tony stark you can leave a message but I'm not gonna call you back peace out -beeeeep-"
"Motherfucker—" she hung up and sent him another text, 'tony I don't know what the fuck you're doing but you have to answer your GODDAMNED PHONE NOW'
She paced some more and eyed the doors leading to the OR waiting to see one of his doctors walk out. "This is bullshit." She mumbled and pulled out her phone again. Nothing from tony. So she called fury for an update on the son of a bitch who did all of this.
"Fury." He answered.
"What do we know about this guy?" Natasha asked immediately.
He sighed "well he's a part of the strys no doubt. His father is the leader in charge of all this."
"Son of a bitch," she growled and stared at the door some more.
"Yeah literally," he replied, "he isn't talking much but he knows he's going away for a long fucking time. And we found out what he was trying to give steve."
"What was it?"
"Batrachotoxin. It would've sent him straight into heart failure."
"Motherfuc— did someone bash his face in?"
Fury laughed a bit, "he was fighting his arrest on his way over so he got a little beat up over here," he could hear Natasha scoff and he knew, that if she were there, he would've been much more than a little beat up, "any word on steve?"
She sighed loudly, "Not yet, it's been a few hours and nobody has come out to update me... and tony won't answer his stupid fucking phone!" She shouted and kept her eyes glued to the door.
"Well stark is never one to answer his phone."
She let out a chuckle and sighed, "what the hell is going on fury?"
He took a moment to answer trying to figure out how this shit what going on, "I have no idea, I never would've guess this would've happened to him."
"Me neither she said sadly and looked into his empty hospital room."
Their call was finally cut off when tony finally called her back. "Finally you fucking dumbass!"
"What!? What the hell happened? Is he okay??" He asked frantically.
"No, no he's not. Strys leaders' son has been undercover as one of his nurses and tries to kill him." She could hear his breathing stop from panic. "He tore open one of his wounds while trying to fight him off and he's back in surgery right now."
Tony whispered quiet swears over the phone and she could tell he was in the middle of changing or something. "I'll be there in a few minutes— J get a suit ready!" he shouted and hung up the phone.

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