It Isn't Over Yet

340 26 13

Tirdas, First seed, 10th, 4E 200



The sound snapped the air and rang in her ears.

I heard that?

Neyya opened her clenched eyes upon the realization that not only she could see and hear... But she was alive.


The giant still stood in front of her, angry and snorting, but his club was halted mere inches above her head. She also noticed that from behind her, there was a large shadow engulfing her petite body. She turned, and gasped as if she saw a draugr... Which she might as well have.

There, in all twelve feet of his muscly, battle hardened glory, stood Ragnarok, warrior of warriors and bane of the gods, he stood in his magnificent orc form, and went battleaxe to club with a slightly taller, angry giant. The giant grumbled in frustration, raising it up and bringing it down with more force unto Ragnarok, but he hadn't moved or showed any sign of strain.

Then, with a quick movement, Ragnarok bunted the giant, and sent him flying several some yards backwards. Ragnarok then move to where the Oaf had fallen, and ran his battleaxe down from his throat to his stomach, and watched his blood pour out.

He turned to face Neyya, stern expression across his face. He takes a few paces forward, then he begins to cry. He runs to her and embraces her tightly, sobbing like a fool. "Ragnarok never meant to hurt Ney-ney. He couldn't stop the monster, no matter how hard he tried. Please forgive Ragnarok, Ney-ney?"

Neyya only stood stiff, shocked first of all that the friend she mourned was even alive. Now so that he wasn't a disgusting vampire who threatened to kill her. And that he seemed even stronger then before he died, making light work of a giant without getting angry.

After a brief moment of silence, she wrapped her arms as far around him as they allowed, beginning to sob all the same. "I thought I lost you... Don't do that to me again."

After a few more moments, the two released. They now had to journey from Morthal to Winterhold, and that was to be a long trip. Probably two days. They'd have to stop in Windhelm for the night.

As the two got ready to walk, they were welcomed by an unwanted occurrence. "Halt! By order of the jarl, stop right there."

Dammit... Falion. Completely forgot.

"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?"

Ragnarok stepped forward. "Ragnarok killed him. He will go quietly."

"I guess you're smarter than you look. Come with me then. Off to Morthal jail with you."


A/N: I know this chapter is really short, I apologize. The holidays really messed up my schedule, then I kinda got injured and couldn't write. Don't worry, things will return to normal soon. Expect a better chapter by Sundas, and then back to normal by Sun's Dawn.

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