So goes a hero...

350 32 9

Morndas, First seed, 9th, 4E200


"Quickly now, we don't have much time." Falion pestered, restraining Ragnarok to the ceremonial table. The forest creeked and croaked with an assortment of noises, from the wildlife to even plant life. Neyya prepared her more appropriate elven armor, and steadied her weapons. Ragnarok, who still seemed unconscious, writhed and squirmed. His blood reproduced so quickly that the vampirism and taken less time to reach its more final stages, and he was on the verge of turning.

The moons slowly rose over Morthal, queuing Falion to begin his ritual. He retrieved the soul gem from his satchel and began speaking in what sounded like dragon tongue. Moonlight gleamed and reflected off her bow, and she was prepared to fire.

"At this stage, he's completely unstable, and may attack us if we do the ritual. You may need to make peace and be ready to put him down."

Neyya had nodded to that earlier, but even so she felt she would not be able to take the shot. Still, she remained vigilant.

Now a ways into the ritual, a beam of moonlight struck down onto the soul gem, and reflected on Ragnarok, burning his skin and waking him. He thrashed about now, roaring in pain. His eyes turned to amber, and Falion feared it may be too late. Still, he continued chanting.

Neyya could not believe the orc in front of her was once her friend, yet she held onto the idea that he was in fact still in there, and restrained her shot. It seemed the more Falion chanted, the angrier Ragnarok became. Soon, his skin became pale gray, and fangs and claws protruded.

"He's shifting in front of us! It may be too late! We have to kill him!"

No. Neyya thought. Not like this, this isn't how it ends. I... I can't do it.

Neyya sheathed her bow and placed her hand on Ragnarok, who flinched and growled at the touch.

"Ragnarok?..." Neyya began, voice trembling. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I need you to come out now. I'm... I'm hungry. Wanna cook for me?" Ragnarok only began thrashing more violently and yelling louder. His muscles inflated and wings began sprouting from his shoulders. A bright light burst from his body, and a shot of pure energy almost toppled her.

"Neyya! Nothing can be done for him, he's not your friend. You have to kill him while he's tied!" Falion yelled, falling back. The energy emitted in waves that covered the forest. It shook the trees and tore bushes from the ground. Animals of all sizes and and types fled from certain doom. Ragnarok became more grotesque in appearance, and more savage in his attempts to free himself.

"Heh... Heh heh, hey. Funny thing huh? The whole vampire thing, right? You can come out now Raggy. The jokes over..."


One by one the straps that held him to the table split apart, releasing the demon from his prison. In a swift movement, he sent Neyya flying several feet until she hit a tree. She was in great pain, and needed to draw every bit of her will to stand again. She could see what used to be her friend, now an enormous beast she could no longer recognize. In his now terrible form, he floated over to Falion and picked him up by his head. Falion's mouth hung open, but between the shock of pain and the trees violently whirling, Neyya heard nothing. Ragnarok ripped Falion's robes apart and sank his long fangs into the wizard's neck, sucking the life out of him.

Neyya nocked an arrow into her bow and steadied it. Her vision was impaired from the blood streaming down her head, but this wasn't the time to worry about minor wounds. The demon dropped Falion's lifeless body and turned to face Neyya. It saw her take aim, and released a deathly growl. It charged at her, ready to take it's next victim.

Not tonight.

With a deep breath, Neyya released her arrow, piercing the abomination's heart. It squirmed and yelled in pain, and fell over. Blood poured from it's chest, and it's eyes began to close.

Neyya approached the now dying menace and stood over it, dazed by what she had done. It looked up to her, and with its dying breath, murmed, "T-Thank you... Ney-Ney..."

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