
351 26 4

Loredas, First seed, 7th, 4E 200


Night had overtaken day, much like the day's trade and wealth overtook yesterday's events. It wasn't stellar... 1500 gold, but so long as they were doing something instead of sitting around letting their thoughts get the better of them, everything was okay.

Neyya pranced about in the beautiful elven guilded armor she proudly forged herself... With Ragnarok and Eorlund's help.

"Isn't it so pretty the way it catches torch light?" She jested, sing-songy.

"That it is, dear." Daro'maka spoke. She watched with a grin as she rested on a chair. The Bannered Mare was full of life, all cheering and laughing, and some applauding as Neyya did her little dance. Some Nords weren't fond of an elf in elven armor, usually due to it's connection to the Aldmeri Dominion, but it couldn't be helped. Daro'maka marveled at how Neyya's long blonde hair shone brighter than her armor, when a thin nord burst through the door and began to yell, "Vampires are attacking Whiterun! Get to cover!"

Immediately the trio looked at each other and sprang to action, rushing outside the inn to take charge. Upon exiting, they were confronted with the sight of waves of disgusting creatures killing guards in bunches. Weapons now drawn, they took to battle. Neyya climbs The Bannered Mare and begins raining arrows down on the average, lesser vampires. Harnessing the rings power, Daro'maka flashes between crowds of thralls, making quick work of them. With the blood rage strong, Ragnarok's eyes turn bloodshot red and he pulverizes ranked vampires.

The trio were making a great effort, unfortunately they were the only ones doing so, and the vampire's sheer numbers overwhelmed them. As they fell back, Neyya saw the vampires abduct one of the town's residents, Olava the Seer, and made a hasty retreat. She also caught glimpse of a nord in iron armor chasing the vampires away. He matched the description of the nord Ragnarok would see before he left, but Neyya gave it no though, save, Good, chase them off.

With that, she fell into The Mare, and quickly looked for her friends. Hulda and her patrons were all in hiding, so she just went over to the only two in the open by the fire. Daro'maka had been taking quick, shallow breaths. Neyya assumed with the ring's power, there was a toll on her. She also examined Ragnarok. His large hand was clasping his shoulder tightly. "Lemme see." She said to him. His eyes flushed to normal and he removed his hand, but there was no wound. Must've healed, She thought.

She sheathed her bow and took the seat next to them. Now she could calm down and assess what happened. Why would the vampires launch an assault on Whiterun? Why would they want Olava? These questions bothered her, until the shock wore off, then she thought, Wait... VAMPIRES?!?!?

She just realized the magnitude of the situation. Of course, everyone had heard of the Dawnguard coming to power, but never took vampires seriously.

They will now.

Damn Molag bol.

A fire ignited in her that she had never felt before, and a passion for revenge erupted in her gut. It was uncomfortable at first, then left a warm sensation. She now had a goal, and a means of achieving it. "Maka..." She spoke. Daro'maka glanced over, irregularly breathing still. "I need to get to Winterhold. I found what I'm going to do."

Daro'maka continued looking, but her breathing stopped. She thought a moment, and gave a gentle nod of approval. "We head for Riften tomorrow. Then you take Ragnarok north."

Neyya looked at Daro'maka in surprise, but offered her own nod in return. They made their way to the room above for the night, and fell almost immediately asleep.

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