4 || Cursed

44 1 2

Eva Kim - eeeeeva
Casper Carmen - Cas
Cassie Ellis - Thing.One
Hunter Webb - Thing_3
Flynn Sutton - Flynn
Lucky Bishop - Lucky
Ada Sanos - Thing-two
Sebastian Ayers - Bassy
Tessa Ulrich - Teddy
Elizabeth Amulet - Lizzy
(There may be other characters included at some points, but if that happens, it'll just be their names)

The Squad
(Basically all of them)

Teddy: This is an open place to discuss our feelings

eeeeeva: What's a feeling?


The Weirdo Squad
(Eva, Cas, Cassie & Hunter)

eeeeeva: Give me one reason why I shouldn't just turn into a slug right now

Thing_3: I literally can't think of any and it's annoying me SO much


The Squad

Thing-two: I love being in people's dreams

Thing-two: Well, unless I get killed or something

Cas: Apparently Eva once had a dream that there was some serial killer and everyone went behind this magical barrier but I got distracted by a butterfly and got killed


The Squad

Lizzy: Ah yes, the five love languages:

eeeeeva: 1) Touch starved

Thing-two: 2) My parents never told me they loved me

Cas: 3) I love stuff

Bassy: 4) I'm so tired please god let me rest for five minutes

Teddy: 5) Pay attention to me


The Weirdo Squad

Thing_3: Aren't you gay?

Thing.One: I like how this implies I did something heterosexual. If so, I apologise


The Squad

Teddy: Fun fact: Blueberries are the only fruit named after a colour

Cas: Star fruit?

Teddy: Close! That's a shape though

eeeeeva: ok they also forgot blackberries

Thing_3: Black isn't a colour

Flynn: What about raspberries

Lizzy: green bean?

Lucky: Lemons!!

Bassy: Guys, you forgot about blueberries


The Weirdo Squad

Thing.One: Saw a post saying that all gays have a mole on their wrist (or bottom of hand) and I had a minor stroke bc I really do


The Weirdo Squad

eeeeeva: Told my dad to start using "it slaps" and now he won't stop

Nimbus & Nova's Character's Text ChatsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora