9 || Proud

28 0 0

Lydia - yes.homo - she/her
Gerald - pride_knight - he/him
Blair - bi-myself - she/her
Tilly - meme.queen - she/her
Taylor - meme.king - he/him
Angel - i-put-the-ace-in-disgrace - she/her
Ariel - frog - she/her
Perry - Perry.the.platypus - he/him
Nemo - Enby_baby - they/them
Quinn - quinn_the_queer - she/he/they
Avery - ace.of.aros - he/they


The gorls + the theys

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: if your wizard oc doesn't have a huge motherfucker hat and gold stars and a dope ass purple cloak then fuck you I cast spell be more whimsical or die on you

yes.homo: I had an aneurysm trying to read this, please use comers

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: no fuck you enjoy confusion

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: wait what the FUCK is a comer


The theys

ace.of.aros: just watched Shape of Water on the plane and like. damn. she really flooded her whole apartment for that fish dick

quinn_the_queer: frankly, it's just like that sometimes

ace.of.aros: it literally isn't and I'm concerned

Enby_baby: coward

ace.of.aros: fishfucker



ace.of.aros: y'know what's better than weed?

ace.of.aros: water

frog: here's this dumb bitch again

ace.of.aros: shut up, you dehydrated high motherfucker


The Cryptids

bi-myself: do you think different paints have different tastes?

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: they do.

Perry.the.platypus: why do you say that with such certainty?


We're here we're queer

pride_knight: why won't ghosts talk to us???

yes.homo: maybe they're homophobic


Gal pals making Christian eye contact

yes.homo: Tilly, who has not done a single thing wrong in her life, just heard some police sirens going off and whispered "they've found me"


And they were roommates

Perry.the.platypus: I have a bad feeling about this

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: what do you mean?

Perry.the.platypus: don't you ever get that little voice in your head that just tells you something you're about to do is wrong?

i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace: ...no?

Enby_baby: that explains a lot actually

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