death becomes her.

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So, I spent the majority of the Halloween Holidays dying. Trust me, I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that I was literally, not figuratively, 100% dying.

See, as you all know the schedule for "getting over Harry" consisted of chilling in my room for the full 7 day break, watch some classic female revenge movies ala "Carrie," "Thelma and Louise," "Kill Bill" "Jennifer's Body" and the Queen of them all "Frozen." But my plans were pushed back cause my body just decided "Haha fuck this shit we're shutting down :)"

I started getting really, really cold; but my skin was so warm that my body started to break out in these weird little hives that were extremely painful and terribly swollen. That's when the chills started to hit, sweat dripped out of every pour in an attempt to get whatever was messing my body up out. Leading to extreme dehydration, my throat ached in thirst even though I had drunk about 5 litres of water in an hour and a half.

My mother is a nurse, and if you have one you'll know that they have a certain cautiousness to them. Yes, it's really handy when you are a little sick that you have a Mom that's in the profession of getting people back in order, but that's only if you have a cold, or a stomach ache, or a migraine. When you're really sick it takes a bit of effort and convincing for them to fully realise that you aren't just calling bluff that you are actually sick, sick.

"What do you mean you're "dying?" (Y/N?)" my mother inquired, checking my temperature for the fourteenth time in last five hours.

"You just have a little bit of a cold, stop being so dramatic!  Sure it's almost winter now and they always spread like wild-fire through the school before Christmas. You must have picked it up at the Dance.With enough fluids and rest it'll be gone by tomorrow."

"Mom, I literally can not feel my toes, my throat is trying to close itself on me, I can't even muster the energy to sit up on this bed without blacking out!"

"That's because you're lazy (Y/N) and don't get enough exercise. Y'know if you exercised and went outside more maybe you would have enough Vitamin D and actually have a working immune system."

"Okay so do you tell this to your sick patients? "Oh you have a appendicitis? Well stop over-reacting and go outside and look into the sun while doing Star-jumps and that will certainly stop you're appendix from bursting."

"Don't he cheeky (Y/N)" my mother condescendingly remarked, taking the thermometer from my mouth and shaking it in the hopes it would make it read faster and she would be saved from any further futile attempts at sarcasm.

"Are you acting all mopey like this because of that Larry Wyles boy?" I can not cope.

"First of all, it's' Harry Styles and aye sure my body is slowly fading away into oblivion because some stupid boy stood me up."
I shook my head as I took a sip of water. "I (Y/N) (L/N) belong to no man!"
I stopped and perked my ears up. "Do you hear that Mom?"

"Hear what?" she questioned, looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"The streets!" I exclaimed, pointing out my bedroom window, "they're calling me."

My mom really was looking at me like I was delusional, "What? What does that mean? Why are the street' s calling you? Are you hearing people on the street? Why are they calling out to you? Do you want to go meet people is that it? Sure I thought you were sick? You aren't too sick if you want to go out and meet people now are you?"

Lethal Lust (Harry Styles x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now