"(Y/N)." He smiles. "How do you feel? Are you alright? Is there anything I can do?"

I laugh a little at his response to seeing me. He is always asking questions regarding the safety and wellbeing of the people he loves.

"I feel fine. I am alright. And there's nothing you need to do." I reply to each of his questions.

"I hate to interrupt," Obi Wan starts, "but there seems to be a Separatist dreadnought up ahead."

I gaze out into the space before us. Sure enough, there is indeed a dreadnought. 

"Savage must have fled there." I say.

Anakin sits back down in the pilot seat and proceeds toward the Separatists.

"Dooku sent his assassin to exact his revenge on the Toydarians. We'll make him pay for it." Anakin threatens.

"Anakin, need I remind you that revenge is not the Jedi way?" I say to my husband.

Anakin's face turns a shade of red and the usual kind glint of his eyes vanishes. He is angry.

"He murdered the King and he hurt you, (Y/N)!" He shouts.

I slightly tilt my head toward Obi Wan to hint for Anakin to shut up. 

"She's right, Anakin." Obi Wan supports. "The goal is to apprehend Savage Opress. We do not need to give in to the anger we feel toward him."

Anakin doesn't say anything while he flies toward the docking bay of the Separatist ship. He lands us safely. 

I walk to the ship's exit with Obi Wan where we wait for Anakin.

"If you're coming with us, you're going to need this." Obi Wan says.

He extends his hand to give me back my lightsaber.

"Thank you, Obi Wan." I respond.

Anakin enters the area just as I clip my lightsaber to my belt. His eyes trail from my lightsaber to my face. He's just figured out that I'm joining them on this mission.

"You're not coming." He says bluntly.

"Yeah, that's not you decision to make." I reply.

He opens his mouth to continue arguing but decides against it upon noticing the glare I am giving him. I love Anakin, I do, but I make my own decisions.

I open the hidden hatch on the floor of the ship and jump down to the ground below. Anakin and Obi Wan follow behind me, and we proceed to run to an automated door. Upon opening the door, we are greeted with three battle droids.

"Halt!" You are now pri–" One of them starts.

We each slice through a droid before continuing on our way.

It would normally take an extended period of time to find what we need in a ship this size. Today, we're in luck. The distinct sound of clashing lightsabers alerts us to their position. It wouldn't be more Jedi, so it must be Dooku and Savage.

The door before us opens, revealing the large figure of Savage with no sign of Count Dooku. He is holding a red double bladed lightsaber in his hands. His heavy breathing signals that our assumption of a duel was correct.

"We'll take him together." Obi Wan provides guidance.

"Got it." I say softly.

Savage grunts furiously as he storms toward us. We stand our ground with our lightsabers raised defensively but it is no match for the force push he musters. We are thrown out of the room and into the solid wall of the ship.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now