46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank

Start from the beginning

Frank didn't know how to reply as Gerard walked out of their bedroom and down the hallway. Frank knew exactly where they were going as Gerard tugged on his hair slightly harder to pull him along. Frank stumbled over his own feet as Gerard's grip made him speed up whether he wanted to or not. Gerard took Frank's wrist in his hand and put it on the doorknob, using his submissive's hand to open the door before he pushed Frank into their playroom. Frank let out a yelp as he staggered into the room, hearing Gerard slam the door behind him. He flinched at the loud sound, whimpering. He knew Gerard was angry but he knew he wouldn't outwardly lash out, suspecting the door-slam to be a scare tactic- One that worked for sure. Gerard slowly walked over to where Frank was standing, the latter looking at his Master who had his hand to his side, his index and middle finger pointed to the ground. Frank swallowed and nodded, dropping down onto his knees with his hands placed gently on his kneecaps and his head down.

"I considered various punishments for you and your first serious indiscretion, Frank." Gerard began as his shined leather boots came into Frank's view, stopping in front of the kneeling submissive on the wooden floor, "I considered putting you over my knee, I considered a solid caning, a stern lecturing... But no, none of those would suffice."

Frank swallowed hard at the idea and looked down at Gerard's shoes again, whimpering at the silence between them that was more than screaming at him, making his heart beat faster and his hands want to shake.

Gerard disappeared from view and Frank could see him walking over to the cabinet nearby, grabbing something that Frank couldn't see. Gerard walked across the room and out of Frank's periphery, the rattling clink of chains tinkled menacingly as Gerard went through them to get what he wanted. He appeared in front of Frank again and grabbed him by the jaw, forcing his mouth open. They looked at each other for a second when Gerard spoke, "How's your nose?"


"Not blocked or stuffy?" Gerard tilted his head to the side as Frank took an experimental sniff in, noting his nostrils both perfectly clear, "Good."

Frank was about to ask when his jaw was pried open a second time and a bright red ball was stuffed into it behind his teeth. He let out a sharp protesting groan as Gerard turned Frank's head and fastened the straps of the gag behind his head. Frank noted it wasn't the holed wiffle gag he had gotten the first time and it was the original ball gag that he had been dreading. Frank shuddered as his jaw was let go of, the ache remaining as his mouth stayed open despite his best wishes.

"Arms up above your head for me," Gerard ordered and Frank obeyed, lifting his arms up above his head as high as he could, stifling a sleepy yawn that left his throat. Frank continued to keep his gaze down as Gerard took his wrist in his hand and fastened a cuff around it before doing the same with the other, "Keep them up."

Frank kept his bound hands in the air above him as Gerard walked off again, this time he heard clinking and a small whirring sound around him. He frowned, wanting so badly to look at what Gerard was about to do to him when Gerard appeared, tugging on the chain of Frank's leather cuffs, hooking something to it.

"Now, boy," Gerard walked off, "When I say I want you up... I want you up. And since this seems to be such a grueling task for you, boy, I figured I'll make you stand whether you like it or not."

Frank looked up in confusion to see Gerard leaning against the wall next to what looked like a powerbox. He merely flipped a switch and Frank's arms lifted up. He looked up in surprise to see his tight cuffs attached to a chain on a roller that seemed to be fastened to the ceiling. The chain was slowly winding up back onto its roller and Frank let out a protest at the pulling in his shoulder sockets.

"You'll have to get up sooner or later, boy. That chain can hold all of your weight threefold." Gerard commented as Frank straightened up on his knees, his back completely straight as he tried to compensate for the stretch of his limbs. Frank was lifted off of his aching knees, his legs bent as he tried to stand up, thighs shaking. He swallowed the pooling spit in his mouth as the chain sped up and pulled him up into a standing position, his arms still taut and pointed to the ceiling above his head, aching wrists and biceps were in the forefront of his mind as he squeezed his eyes shut.

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsWhere stories live. Discover now