3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene

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"I like this," Ryan spoke once they were out of the restaurant, the cool night air hitting the two of them after they had finished their meals, paid the bill, and finally left.

"What do you mean?" Frank asked curiously, walking alongside Ryan, instinctively going to hold his hand because that was what they did after dinner on a Tuesday night.

"I mean, I like what we do," Ryan reiterated, "Going out like this. Same time every week. It's nice."

"Yeah..." Frank answered with a sigh that Ryan didn't pick up on. It had been more than nice when they would go to the movies, or would just do something that would be different and not what they did every week. 

"You wanna go for a walk, babe?" Frank asked, not wanting the evening to end just yet. Ryan needed a push, is all. Frank wanted to push him in a healthy way that might get him into doing something different. Even if it was just a walk to the park that Frank knew was nearby.

"Nah," Ryan shook his head, looking down at his feet while they walked, "Think I'm feeling an early night."

"Oh, okay," Frank hummed, trying not to sound disheartened, "Okay, so... Are we just going home then?"

"Frank..." Ryan practically purred, "I mean, I want to go home... And have an early night with you."

It took a second for the penny to drop in Frank's head. When it did, it was like a penny drop in an ocean, causing a tidal wave of thoughts and realization that made Frank's eyes go wide, "Oh..."

"Yeah," Ryan smirked, "Oh."

"So, do we... Do you wanna..." Frank stumbled on his words; he hadn't been expecting Ryan to say that to him. It had been a while since they had last been intimate and Frank honestly didn't quite know what to do. He was practically giddy, "Home?"

"I think that's probably the best thing to do huh?" Ryan giggled softly, loving how flustered Frank got at the prospect of sex.

"Right." Frank nodded, his hand slipping from Ryan's so he could get his car keys out of his jacket, pulling them out as the pair started to make their way towards where he had parked earlier, "'Kay. Home."

"You okay?" Ryan had to ask, while Frank fumbled with the car keys. He could barely get them in the lock, far too excited for his own good. He practically ripped the car door off its hinges when he got it open.

"I'm good." Frank nodded, knowing that he was going to be doing more than okay very soon. He felt like all of his birthdays had just rolled into one because waiting nearly two weeks to have sex was a long time to go without. Plus, he would have known if it was his birthday. Ryan couldn't help but chuckle at Frank's eagerness. He shoved the key into the ignition, turning it before looking back, reversing out of the car parking space. Driving out onto the road, putting his foot down on the accelerator a little more than necessary.

"Y'know," Ryan said when he realized that Frank was driving faster. One of his hands held onto the seat belt that was strapped around him and the other held onto the door, hanging on for dear life, "If you want to get me hot and bothered, making me freak out in a speeding car isn't it, Frank."

"Relax," Frank soothed, reaching over to run his hand a little higher up his thigh than usual, "We will be home in no time."

"Or we could get home in one piece?"


"Ry- Babe..." Frank whined, turning to look at Ryan behind him who was walking into the house at what felt like a snail's pace.  Frank couldn't complain. Sex was sex and Frank was getting it eventually. He didn't care about the 'where' only the 'who' or 'how' or 'when'.

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