(Flash forward, Izuku is 14, Eri is 10)

"Izuku! Wake up! You promised me we'd go to the park today!" Eri said with her high pitched angelic voice. As Izuku slowly opened his eyes he was met with the sight of a white-haired girl he had the honor of calling his sister. She was knelt on the floor, trying to see if he was actually awake.

"Okay Eri I'm awake doooooooon't worry about it" Izuku said as he yawned, almost cutting himself off. Eri giggled at his little mishap.

"You sound funny!" she said with a smile brighter than the sun.

"I know, now come on get ready, unless you wanna be late?" Izuku said with a smirk. The instant Eri heard this she rushed out of his room and into hers, putting on her clothes at the speed of light. Izuku couldn't help but chuckle at this, but his expression changed when his mother walked in, with the most serious face he had ever seen form anyone.

She said nothing. All she did was sit next to him and take the deepest breath she could. "Izuku, you remember the question asked me last night?" she said, barely able to look at her own son in the eyes.

"Yeah. I asked about dad. You always say that he went away to work abroad but I've never seen you happy when you talk about him and the fact that you work 2 jobs is surprising as he should be sending us money. So what's going on mom?" He asked, his expression becoming much more stern and serious.

Inko couldn't help but be proud. "You always were a smart kid Izuku. Look I'll tell you but only if you promise not to tell anyone, not Eri or anyone from the Bakugo's ok?" Inko asked, dreading the conversation she was about to have.

"I promise" he replied, resolute as ever.

"Well okay then. But don't say I didn't warn you." Inko said as she took a deep breath. "Your father wasn't a nice man, always aggressive, impulsive, and very rude to others. It's why I put all of my energy into making sure you don't end up like him. It only got worse when you two were born. He would always complain that you weren't good enough and that he was done with this family, but I knew that no matter what you needed a father figure. So I let him take his anger out on me. He could insult me, hit me do whatever he wanted but I wouldn't let him do the same to you and Eri. But he still did and something in me just snapped. I sent him out and I haven't heard from him since. I had to get rid of everything he owned, I filed for divorce and after a long investigation, they never found him so I was given it as well as money from the government. And Mitsuki helped me through it. She was my witness in the divorce case and she would always listen to me. Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I knew that if I did it would break you. But I guess you would've had to find out eventually. Please don't hate me for sending him away I just, I-" Inko said, speaking from the heart and unloading everything onto Izuku. She couldn't handle recounting those memories, as she began to break down once again, just like she did on that fateful day.

"It's okay mom, just let it out." Izuku comfortingly said whilst hugging her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I, I... don't know what to say." Izuku said, not knowing what to think, still letting his mother's words sink in.

"Oh, Izuku." Inko said as she looked into her son's eyes, finding everything she wanted. She saw his intellect, his caring personality, his sense of selflessness, and him in general. For the first and last time, she saw the true Izuku Midoriya in all his glory. Placing her right hand on the top of his, she moved her way down his face, going to his left cheek and keeping her palm there. "I couldn't ask for a better son than you. I know I tell you this every day, but I really do love you Izuku. I want you to know that." Inko proudly proclaimed, with the softest voice known to the green-haired Midoriya son.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now