What is this?

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I found myself floating in midair in a white void full of light blue mist and large bubbles.

"Where the hell am I?"

I shifted my body to see what movement was like. It felt as if I was swimming with no water, but the force of movement propelled me a bit quicker than it would underwater. I had swam up to one of the bubbles and saw something in it. It was me! It was me laying on a bed and looking a a flat object with pictures playing on it while Shimiji sat on my leg.

"That's me back at home watching YouTube." I smiled to myself "These must be my memories!"

I laughed slightly at the fact the first thing I would remember was something so mundane. Then I swam to another bubble and saw me again, this time I was with someone else. We were walking up to a small group of people that waved when they saw us.

"Those are my friends from school" I said happily.

Another bubble showed me with my family at Thanksgiving dinner and another showed me and my friends at the beach and another showed me at the hospital with my mom laughing a bit.

"And that's when I fractured my ankle walking up the bleachers" I laughed (a/n:true story) "I'm so accident prone that I hurt myself going up the bleachers instead of down."

I had gone over to another bubble and saw me watching my phone this time. On the phone was a video playing and it had Buccirati and his team talking to some boy with blond hair in a strange style, his hair wasn't only in a braid but there were three doughnut like rolls on the front of his hair.

"That's right, the reason I remember them is because I've seen them before. I'm in the Jojo world!" I remember everything up to episode 5 and felt excitement take over me but was soon replaced with a sense of foreboding "huh? What's this feeling coming from?"

I shook it off at the moment and went back to the bubbles. In time, I had regained most of my past memories, except for any that led up to that point I woke up in that ally. But some didn't seem to fit in. I went up to another bubble and saw myself again with a group of completely different people from my friend group. We were young kids in this and all had tattered old clothing. Another kid ran up to us with a paper bag in his arms and gave us some bread.

"Huh? I don't recall this."

I went over to another bubble and saw me as a kid again. I was running from a couple of adults, I probably stole something. Another bubble had me and a person on the ground, there was something else behind me though. A dark mass with red eyes that seemed to share an aura with me. In another bubble, I saw myself as a child again, crying over three dead bodies of which I assume were my parents and sibling. But they weren't my parents from my memories, they were different.

I then came to a conclusion 'am I in someone else's body that is actually a part of this world? That could explain the memories, but what happened to me and how did I get here in the first place?'

I then felt another presence behind me. When I turned around I saw...me. Another me. The only difference I saw was that the ends of her long hair were (lighter/darker) than the rest of her hair. Her eyes were closed but when she opened them, instead of my natural (eye color), they were a striking bright gold color. She then glared at me.

"Why are you here? This body is mine!" She yelled but then sighed "but things seem to have bode well for me because of you."


"Those files, getting away from those men, and now back in the presence of Passione, everything seems to be going over well for me." She said "I, myself, am a part of a very secret team that works for Passione, Mia Mosa (a/n: this name literally came from a dream I had). In fact, I am their leader. Hardly anybody besides the boss and my capo know of our existence. My capo actually let my team have a sort of break since we aren't needed for much but I was needed to try help with the Naples territory situation. I managed to get the files but also got beaten up a bit. While retreating with the files, I suddenly passed out. When I woke up, I found myself here. Mind telling me about yourself?"

"My name is (Name) (Last Name). I was born in America to a (ethnicity) and Japanese mother and (second ethnicity) father. My birthday is (birthday and month) and I'm 22 years old (a/n: just pretend if you're not, I like to imagine an older reader that is shorter than Narancia). I like to (hobby) and (second hobby). I also like watching anime." I said "I have just been transported into the world of my favorite anime and I have no idea how I got here."

The girl smiled and chuckled a bit "you gave out that much information to someone you don't even know?"

"Well we are sharing the same body, so I highly doubt you would do anything to hurt me and put your own self at risk." I shrugged.

She crossed her arms and nodded "good point. My name is Annabel Oscuro. Born in Rome and moved to Naples for work. My father was pure Italian but my mother had a bit of Japanese in her blood and I was born on October 30 and I'm 19 years old. Hmm, I don't have many hobbies but I do know how to play the piano and violin. I've never seen any anime since I don't really watch tv or anything. And what do you mean by you've been transported to the world of your favorite anime?"

"Well, where I'm from, stands don't exist. Your world is just a part of a story that was made up by a talented mangaka or comic book writer in my world. Also, I'm from the year of (current year) so I guess that makes me from the future as well." I said.

"Hmm, that's quite strange but I did see that bubble where you were watching Bucciratis team on that device."

"Yeah! The main character is a guy named Giorno Giovanna and it follows him and Bucciratis team on their adventures. At least this part does."

"This part?"

"Uh huh, right now, we are in part 5 of the over all story line. There are 8 that I know of and they all follow the adventures of anyone related to the Joestar blood line."

"This is all too confusing but whatever, I'll try not to think of it too much."

"Yeah, I think that's for the best."

I suddenly felt something slightly shaking my body "(Name) wake up, Buccirati is back." I heard a muffled voice speak.

"Well, it's time for you to wake up now, I'll see you around then." Annabel waved as my vision became brighter.

~Dream end~

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