ch. 56

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"Do we have everything?" Annabeth asks.

"We didn't bring much to begin with," Nico answers.

We take the elevator door to the first floor and politely smile at the lady working the front desk. The morning sun outside makes me squint for a couple seconds before becoming used to it.

"So what, we rent a car?" I ask.

"Well it's that or we're walking," Percy pulls out his phone that Leo made him, "Which uh ya I'd rather not walk to Ohio."

"Let see how much money we have combined," Annabeth takes off her backpack and rummages through it. Nico and I do the same.

"Alright we got extremely lucky there's a rental place not too far from here. It shouldn't take long to walk there," Percy turns off his phone and then starts finding his money as well.

After pooling together what we have Annabeth counts it up, "It looks like we should have enough to get a car for at least a week. But we have a different problem."

Nico zips up his backpack, "Which is?"

"Here in New York we can get the car without a problem, but there's no guarantee that we'll be back here to return it, ergo it'd be easier if we leave it in Ohio at a place owned by the same rental company. The problem is that while you only have to be 18 to get a car in New York, which works, you have to be 21 in Ohio. I'm almost positive."

How does she know that? Just random information like that, on the top of her head? Jeez she's smart.

Percy shrugs a little bit, "We'll deal with that later. Besides, we can just tell them we didn't know."

"I suppose but it's they might make us bring the car back here," Annabeth replies.

"They can't do that," Nico joins in.

"And," Percy says, "Even if they can we'll just either bring it back or figure something out. Right now we just need to focus on going to GET the car."

We start our walk towards the rental place and every passing second I swear the sun is getting hotter which I am not a fan of. Luckily, Percy was right, it wasn't too far away from the hotel so it didn't take to much walking to make it there. Annabeth and Percy go inside to talk to the worker and get the keys while Nico and I wait outside.

"Are you sure you have no connection to Ohio?" He asks.

"None," I reply, "Least that I'm aware of."

We stand around in silence for a few minutes before I here the sound of a door opening and Percy and Annabeth come out.

Percy grins as he holds up the keys, "I'm driving."

"For some reason I feel like I should be worried," I say. Not that I don't trust Percy but that grin makes me second guess myself.

"You should be," Nico whispers.

"No, no," Annabeth sighs, "He's just excited because he somehow convinced me that it would be best if we rented a jeep."

I give her a confused look.

"He's always wanted a jeep."

After a short search for the jeep in the lot we come across it and Percy is instantly in love.

"Oh now that's beautiful," Percy laughs.

"You're kidding," Annabeth says, "Do they know you or something?"

Percy walks up and unlocks the jeep, getting in, "Oh man it's wonderful."

I stand, slightly confused, but then I remember why he loves it so much. The jeep is blue. Percy and blue are as good of a match as Percy and Annabeth are. I almost want to apologize to the rental place because there's now a strong possibly that they'll never get this car back.

The Daughter of PoseidonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora