Ch. 44

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QUESTION: what's the weirdest thing you've seen this past week or so? For me, it was a female elk trying to cross a lake, she was doing her best. (Picture above)

Anyways, to the story.


The first thing I feel when I regain consciousness is water. Rushing water that reaches up to my knees and soaks my jeans. Now of course, I'm a big fan of water, I like it and it likes me. However, when I'm not expecting water to appear, I'm a little shocked. I've heard that Percy can summon water from his own body, he doesn't even need a source. I think its amazing! ...But I quite haven't figured out how to do that.
           Anyways, as I feel this water, something is off about it. It's not like water that I would simply be playing around with in the ocean or a lake, it's different.
            My eyes open to the surroundings around and I realize, I'm nowhere. Now, I'm not talking in the middle of Kansas with fields for miles nowhere. I mean, there is nothing, not even sky. It's just black, but I can see somehow. Everything is a never ending blackness except for me and the water I'm standing in.
              I begin to asses the water around me, as it is strange in feeling, is also has come from nowhere. I'm standing a rushing river that came from nowhere and leads to nowhere, it just simply goes on forever. There's no rocks in the river, fish, or even just a twig, just a river, rushing over black ground going to nowhere.
It's just now that I remember what happened before I woke up here. Of course it's delightful to remember that a strange man in the middle of an almost dead shack put his hands on your head and you woke up in a river. Who wouldn't want that to happen to them?
You have a beautiful mind my darling. Her voice comes out of nowhere and echoes in my ears, creating a lasting effect that follows the rivers for probably miles. I'm taken off guard by her voice again, but I honestly shouldn't be, she's the reason that I teamed up with Annabeth, Percy, and Nico. She's the reason we went to that shack. She's the reason I'm here.
"Who are you?!" I shout aloud looking up into nothing, "Why are you here?!"
A moment of silence washes over me, and all I can't even hear the river rushing. I'm waiting, for a response, some kind of response. Anything.
Just when I'm about to give up, something trembles the water around me and I'm covered in a type of mist that turns the water into a thick forest of trees that I now stand in. The sky is still black, and the ground as well, but I can't see through the trees they're so thick.
Oh sweetie, I'm not there. It would be a waste of my time. The sound of her rattles the trees and shake some leaves to the ground, Besides, she continues, Why be there when I can have so much fun with you where I am here?
"Ya," I think, "so much fun."
Once more everything around me goes silent and I'm thrown into nothing. Bright lights and noises flood into my eyes and ears. It only last a moment before I find myself falling on the shacks floor, with a terrified old man looking down at me.

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