Ch. 11

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               ***Some of you guys may be wondering why I took like a huge break over most of December. That was because it was Christmas and I was traveling. Sry guys. But here's Ch. 11.***     

                      In case you were wondering. Using a sword is harder than you'd probably think. Not only does it add about what feels like 10 pounds to the armor weight, it's also is huge. Like, you don't really think about where your swingin the thing. You could take off somebody's head without even knowing about it. 

                     When Annabeth first realized what sword it was that Percy gave me she was shocked. She didn't realize that Percy had still owned the old thing. She was surprise that it hadn't rotted. 

                    We worked on sword techniques for a while, but now we are actually swinging at stuff. Annabeth went over to the racks to grab a sword, "Now, don't judge me. As you've seen knives are more my thing than swords are." 

                    "As long as you can do better with a sword than I can, I think were okay." I say, "Which I'm positive that you are better than me." 

                     Annabeth smiled, then she went back to picking out a sword. 

                    I was always very observative as a kid. And looking at Annabeth smile, and her gray eyes I think to myself, that smile... those eyes... the happiness is there, but the sadness is evident... it just like Percy...  what happened to them? the smile is forced... but the eyes are normal... it's like they've been sad and damage for a very long time. 

                    Annabeth turns with her slick bronze sword. Walking back over to me she calls out laughing, "Ready to duel?" 

                    It snaps me from my daze and I stand there like an idiot, "Uhhh. Yeah... i mean... no. No." 

                   She comes up and pats me on the back, "It's ok. This is only your first sword lesson, you loose... that's normal." 

                    I nod listen intently now, hoping on some tips on how not to get killed by a camper. "Now." she says getting in a ready stance, "Stand exactly like I am and hold your sword up, but not to high."

                    I follow her direction for the next minute or so and then Annabeth launches at me and pins me to the floor while I'm trying to get my feet right, "Rule number 1," she smiles deviously, "never let your opponent distract you."            

                     "Ok." I squeak. 

                      Annabeth got off of me and stood up, "Ok. Lets try that again." Annabeth stretches, "And this time, I won't tackle you." 

                      "Agreed." I say, standing up across from Annabeth.

                      We get into a ready position and Annabeth offers me to attack first. I do proceeding to get blocked by her sword. The blast knocks me to the ground, "Ouch." I mutter. 

                       "It's ok." she replies, "Nobody gets it on the first try." 

                      I stand back up and get in position again. Right when I was about to whack at Annabeth that eeire voice came back into my mind again. I'm watching you. It repeated over and over again until it faded out. 

                      I don't know what come over me. It's like I couldn't control myself. I whack and whack at Annabeth, without any control. She fights back but isn't realizing what's going on, "Now your gettin it!" 

                      I want to say help, but I can't do that either. It's like I'm trapped in a little shell. My fists pounding against the wall, but there's nothing I can do. Instead I have to watch it terror as I swing my sword at Annabeth cutting her cheek. 

                      Right when that happens what ever is inside of me leaves and I run over to ANnabeth while she's holding her bloody cheek, "I'm so sorry!" I scream whimpering, "I would never do that! I wasn't in control!" 

                     Annabeth picks up a towel and puts in on her face and then looks at me confused, "What do you mean you weren't in control?" 

                     I'm tearing up now, "I didn't have control over my body. Something was in me and I couldn't control what I was doing."  I look at Annabeth, "You believe me don't you?" 

                    She does a half smile, "Yes. Stuff like that has happened before. Now come on, lets go get this-" she pionts to her cheek, "-cleaned up."                  

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