Chapter 3: Visitors

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"I'm so BORED," I complain.

"I know. You've been saying that for the past thirty minutes," Sam says, rubbing his head.

"Oops," I shrug.

"Baylee, you have a visitor. Please put this on and I'll take you there," the nurse says. I feel my face light up. She hands me a classic hospital mask. I put the mask on as quickly as I possibly could.

"Let's go!" I shout.

"Lucky," I hear Sam whisper. What does he mean by that? Before I could ask anything, the nurse unhooks my bed and starts down a hallway. I look around the place as we pass room by room. I've missed my family a lot. We pull into this room with glass walls all around. The nurse hands me a phone and then walks out. I stare at the phone. What's this for?

I see my brother walk up to the glass, and I get excited. He waves at me and then grabs the phone on his side.

"Hello?" I hear from my phone.

"Austin! I missed you! Where's mom and dad?" I ask.

He frowns slightly. "They... don't believe you're going to survive. They gave up on you already," he says.

I gasp. "You... you aren't serious. They won't give up on me I know it! Please tell me you aren't serious," I beg.

"I... I'm sorry Baylee," he mutters.

"No," I tear up. "No they can't! You still have faith in me, right?"

"Of course! I won't give up on you," he smiles at me. I give him a weary one back.

"I love you, Austie," I laugh.

"Love you too Bay Bay," he laughs with me. Our old nicknames always make us laugh. We came up with them when we were 5 and 7.

The nurse walks over to Austin and tells him something. He frowns.

"I have to go now, Baylee. I love you," he says.

"Love you too," I reply.

The nurse walk in and gets my bed. We walk through the hallways again until we get to my room.

"Wait!" I yell before she opens the door.

"What is it?" She asks me.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I smile slightly. She laughs and brings my bed to another room. I walk in and do my business. I wash my hands and walk out. I get onto the bed and the nurse pushed me to the room, again. As the nurse opens the door I see Sam crying quietly. He looks up and quickly wipes them away. The nurse hooks my bed back up and walks out.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He asks with a fake laugh.

"C'mon, you were crying," I tell him seriously.

"It's nothing really," he assures me.

"Just tell me! You know I won't give up until you do," I laugh. He rolls his eyes.

"It's just... my family has only visited me once. My girlfriend hasn't even visited me. I bet she's out cheating on me right now. None of my family were happy when they visited. They gave up on me after the first visit. Do you know how that feels? My world feels like it's crashing apart because of this stupid virus," he rants to me. For some reason it hurt when he told me about his girlfriend. How could she not visit him once?

"Hey. It'll be alright. I don't know how it feels-," I start to tell him before I get cut off.

"Exactly! You don't know how it feels, so don't give that crap like 'oh, it'll be alright' because it won't. These doctors and nurses have been more of a family to me than my real one. It's hard. It's really, really hard," he's crying now.

"Hey, I'm sorry. We can get through this together. We are stuck with each other after all. But at least you got a visit from those who gave up on you. I haven't seen my parents in years, and they didn't bother to give me a damn hospital visit," I tell him. Okay. Maybe I was a bit dramatic, but I'm still upset with my parents.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I think we got off on the wrong foot," he says. "I'm Sam."

"I'm Baylee," I laugh.

"So... friends?" He asks.

"I don't know... I've been told to not talk to strangers," I tell him.

"Oh shut up," he laughs. "Are we friends or not?"

"Yeah. We're friends," I smile.

"So since we're friends you'll let me have the window side, right?" He asks.

"Haha. No," I tell him.

"You're mean," he pouts.

"Aww I'm so sorry," I say sarcastically.

"Jerk," he laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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