61 | the will of the fight

Start from the beginning

" Germans broke through the Ardennes forest, and it looks like we're being sent in." Peacock explained and Catherines' heart dropped.

" Shit." she said letting out a breath, her thoughts of Christmas Day football out the window, more trips to Paris canceled, and Christmas in a warm bed, gone.

" We need to find Strayer." Peacock said gently grabbing her arm, " Come on." The two, rather frantic Lieutenants hurried through the blustering snow towards the trucks that sat right outside Mourmelon-le-Grande, eyes peeled looking for the Colonel. They were only able to find Winters, but that filled Catherine with relief. Peacock asked Winters.

" Sir?" Peacock called.

" Lieutenant Peacock?" Winters said before Winters noticed Catherine next to him.

" Lieutenant McCown," Winters said with a nod and she nodded back, worry filling her stomach like an acid.

" Sir, have you seen Colonel Strayer?" Peacock asked the ginger haired Captain.

" Where's the Company Commander?" Winters asked through the blustering wind.

" Oh, Lieutenant Dike, I've been looking for him all day." Peacock said, and Catherine spoke up.

" I haven't seen him yet, today, sir." Catherine said and she saw Winters internally grumble a bit.

" I mean, how is it that the 4th Army's problem gets dumped on the Airborne?" Peacock asked as a barrel of fire came up nearby, and Buck was visible in the light. Buck had recently just arrived back with Easy Company and the glazed look in his eyes told a different story. Catherine stood next to Winters as she shook her head, a bitter chill finding its way into her body.

" Lieutenant Peacock, Lieutenant Compton, Lieutenant McCown." came a voice, and the trio turned with Winters to see Dike coming up to them with no helmet and no gear.

" Cap'n Winters." Dike said, saluting, as he approached and moved in between Catherine and Winters, shoving Catherine into Peacock, with a grumble a bit.

" Oh, Lieutenant Dike, I've been looking for you." Winters said, and Catherine smirked.

" Sir, we have a problem." Dike said and Catherine bit back a sarcastic remark.

" Colonel Strayer has not yet returned from some wedding that he's attending in London." Dike said and Catherine glanced at Peacock and Buck's expression which remained a little confused or blank.

" Can you believe that?" Dike said as Catherine shifted from her left to right foot, " We're going to the front," Dike looked to Catherine who nodded in confirmation to ease him off a bit, " we're going to the front here, and our CO isn't even in the same damn country."

" You have a bigger problem, Lieutenant Dike." Winters said, " You have men and women returning to action without proper cold weather clothing and not enough ammo."

" Sir?" Dike answered, utterly confused.

" I suggest you take a canvass of the entire base." Winters said looking at Dike, " Get what materials you have before you roll out. Or have you done that already?" Catherine found sarcasm lacing Winters tone, and a hint of annoyance.

" No, sir." Dike answered, as more snow flurries started falling, and Catherine glanced at Peacock.

" K rations, as many as you can scrounge." Winters said, and Catherine knew he wanted the best for Easy, " We don't know if we'll be resupplied or not."

" Yes, sir." Dike said nodding.

" What about ammo?" Peacock asked.

" There is no more ammo." Winters said and Catherine blew out her cheeks.

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