Chapter 5- Thomas's POV

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As I close my phone, still thinking about my conversation with Troy, my mind fills with worry.

Lana likes Will, Will likes Lana back, but Troy likes Will too...

Stupid love triangles, there's always that one person who will be left out.

Secretly, I think Will and Troy would make a really cute couple, I've for nothing against Lana or anything.

I guess I really feel for Troy. That crushing feeling when the one person you like doesn't like you back.

I really hope to befriend Troy, being in his group for the project will help with that.

I glance at the time, shit, it's getting late and there's school tomorrow.

I get into bed and shut my eyes, trying to clear my head of thoughts of Troy, Wren, Lana and Will.

The next day at school. At see Will by his locker.

I sneak up and tap his shoulder.

"Sooo, how'd it go? Did mister chicken finally ask Lana to the dance?" I ask raising my eyes brows for effect.

Will just nods, not showing must expression.

I tilt my head. "Huh, what's wrong, did she reject you or something?" I demand getting worried.

"No, she said yes." He replies.

"Then why long face?" I say nudging him playfully. "You're one step ahead of me for sure."

"It's just. I dunno, I have an uneasy feeling about Lana's best friend, Troy. He makes me feel uncomfortable and he's always staring at me around Lana." Will states, his eyebrows scrunching up in thought.

"No need to worry about him," I state, "I know for a fact that he doesn't like Lana." Crap wait I probably shouldn't have said that, oops.

Luckily Will just nods, still looking concerned.

"Dude, you're thinking about Troy more than the girl you asked to the dance. Maybe you should have asked him instead." I say, mainly to see his reaction.

I see him splutter and surprisingly he starts blushing.

"Seriously, you know I don't swing that way..."

I roll my eyes.

"On the other hand, you, you NEED to ask Wren already, it's unhealthy how much you check that guy out." Will says quickly recovering from my accusation.

"Hah, no thanks, I don't feel like being rejected." I reply, feeling my face heat up.

Its Will's turn to roll his eyes.

"Come one we should head to class." He suggests.

We have history first so we get to work on the project.

I can feel my heart speed just at the thought of getting to be near Wren and spending time with him in the group.

Okay I need to hold myself together while he's around and try not to make a fool of myself.

Mr. Leyton tells us to get in our groups and start planning our project.

We decide to split into groups for finding research.

One group to find information on the roman god an the other to see how the people worshiped them and more culture things.

We break into Troy, Lana and Will as one group then Wren and I as the other group.

I see Lana glancing over at another group, her best friend's group, Rainy, Colin, Clara, Daniel and Philip.

Rainy apparently fancies Colin and is also friends with Clara. Dan and Phil are like one of the main power couples of our school.

I'm still trying to contain my excitement that I'm paired with Wren. Also a little nervous and hoping it won't get too awkward.

After a lot of discussion we finally settle on Mercury as the god, he's not too common but is still known.

The class goes by fast and I feel really accomplished, I got to discuss with Wren what to research and just got to talk to him for most of the class.

It felt nice to get to know him and I feel way more comfortable around him.

I don't know why he's always so alone, he's a pretty nice guy once you get him talking.

Class goes by and the bell rings, end of the period.

My next classes go by slow, Wren's in my class until after lunch.

At lunch I sit with the usual people, Will, Lana, Troy, Rainy and surprisingly Wren joins us.

By the end of the day my confidence has grown and I think I'm ready, I'm going to ask Wren to the dance.

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