Chapter 20

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~after combustion two strange creatures came out of the swords ~

Raymond screamed, falling to the ground. The two creatures appeared to be made of flames, one red and the other blue. Both of the creatures were laughing for some reason.

"Raymond, I here someone over there, are you okay!?!?" Steven yells, "I'm okay, I think?!?" Replies Raymond. "That's not very reassuring !!!!"

"Who is the boy with the reddish brown hair who awakened us, brother ?"  Said the red one, in a British accent ?

"Oh..... I think he's a chosen one...... His eyes are the same as the prophecy...... A similar colour to his hair....a reddish brown...."says the blue one in a monotone.
"Are you sure ? He looks absolutely terrified!" " we're fire spirits.... Anyone would be." "Oh I guess your wright hehehe."

At this point Raymond was terrified beyond recognition.


[3rth person  p.o.v]

Gosh darn it ! I wish I could see whats happing, oh wait I can! If I could just

Steven then crawled determinedly towards Raymond to investigate, once arrived he was practically dead.

"Dude, what are those things ?!?" *hack*

"why are you here, you need to run!"
Raymond whisper yelled.

"Why are the scared of us brother, to be honest we haven't done anything?" The blue one takes a minute to stare at the red one in absolute stupor, "  the one with the somewhat out of fashion hair cut is choking to death .... So uhh yeah."

"Wha-who *pant* are *wheez* you?" Says Steven.

"Oh haha,I do believe we haven't introduced ourselves , but oh dear we really must be going, well I'll leave you with our names, I'm Kevin that's Terrence, Good day Steven, and looking forward to working with you Raymond!" The red one- or Kevin says, before evaporating into thin air with his brother following closely behind

"WhAT thE   -

Hahaha I'm back , but seriously I tried weighting down a chapter first before typing it, you'll be glad to know I won't be doing that again as it took forever😅 anyway I've been wanting to gain a bit of... Popularity with this book or a bit more Traction, does that sound selfish? Because I am getting loads of reads and I'm incredibly great full , I just wanna know how I can make some more friends basically because I'm lonely :) 

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