Chapter 17

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3rd person p.o.v

It was the dead of night, everyone is asleep, but unidentified forces are causing mischief, and the faint smell of smoke started to get oh so much stronger.

A gasp could be herd, a young boy, only five years old, called Raymond.

What he saw changed his view on life forever.

But first let's give you some  information about Raymond.

For starters his parents were loaded, like his first pair of shoes could of been made of gold if they were selfish.

But they donated a lot of mony to charity and did other things to help the community.

One day Raymond came back from school, beaten and bloody, apparently a kid at school was bullying him because he was so fortunate
But when he asked his mom if they could move and live somewhere else, she told him to stand up for himself and tell the principal, as mony is not a reason to be a cowherd.

Raymond didn't understand but took those words to heart

They were kind people, Larry and Amy Walker, the mother and farther of Raymond Walker.

But one day a terrible fire broke out, killing both of his parents in the process.

Ray saw his mother disintegrate in front of him.

He tried to reach out to help her but a large wall of fire, and all he saw was her smiling sadly at him as he faded into unconsciousness as a firemen took him away.

To this day nobody knew what created that fire and why it was hot enough to disintegrate human flesh in an instant.

That got dark ... We'll I hope you enjoyed, if you have any comments or critics feel free to do so, and as always, have a lovely day !

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